Chapter 1

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Hey. My name's Alana, Alana Happy, and to be honest my lilfe isn't that great. Pretty ironic huh because i'm not that happy, i'm pretty much the opposite. I'm just a normal teenager, 15 years old. I'm doing my GCSEs at the moment so that's going alright... i guess. My life is boring as hell although you might say getting bullied all the time is .... an interesting life. I'm an orphan and i live in a home for parentless kids. You might also say that's intersting but i'll tell you something... it isn't.

I walk into school after getting off the bus. I hate the school bus. There's rubbish under the seats and food wrappers everywhere but the worst thing is the year 7s. The newbees that think that they are so cool that they start head banging to Ariana Grande or Justin Bieber in the middle of the bus. Playing it OUT LOUD is not ok! So cool that they think it's a great idea to try and trip me up when i get on the bus for 2 seconds. WRONG! As soon as i try and pass some kid he spits on my shoe. Gross!

But... there's nothing i can do so i just brush past every single insult. Ha lie of the century. Let's not worry about that just yet. I cover up the world with my headphones once again as i walk into the hallways, corridors and playground of High Birthdon School. I make my way to the place i meet my friends every morning.

Under the 'UP' stairs. That's right. Under the dirty, manky, horrible stairs. They're alright actually. Oh and yes we have 2 staircases one for going up the other down. I think it's kind of smart actually and i feel sorry for schools that only have one staircase because it gets pretty cramped with 2 here. Your probably thinking why does she meet her friends under the stairs and the answer is i have no idea it's just been like that since year 7. Plus my locker is there but they are tiny. I always thought that secondry school lockers would be huge like in all the american films but not in our school.

When i get to the bottom of the staircase all of my friends are there. I mean i have a lot of friends but only a couple of best friends and the majority of the year well... they don't exactly like me lets say.

I spot a girl with blackish hair with red dip dyed ends. I run up to her and put my hands over her eyes from behind her and say "Guess whoo?" She turns around and hugs me. She has darkish skin and is a bit taller than me even though she is still small. She is Syrian but we don't really talk about it that much unless we are talking about the good things. She's wearing mascara, eyeliner and probably foundation but i can't tell. Her name's Grace. She's my best friend.

"The game" I say to her. God we are imature and I in paticular am retarded.

"Poo you" She says back in a high pitch voice. Ok maybe she's retarded to but in a good way... right? Anyway 'the game' is one of our many inside jokes that make no sense to anyone else who doesn't play the game.

A girl comes to stand next to me. She's quite lanky and where's a green superdry bag. Her middle parted hair hangs like a rag on her shoulders much like a barbie doll who hasn't had her hair brushed since you first got her. She never where's tights to school creating Grace and i's inside joke 'bare legs' which we find somewhat hilarious. She wears socks that are white but have neon coloured heels, toes and frilly bits at the top. They come up to her shin and annoy me so much more than they should. Her name is Molly. Grace and I don't like her that much but we hang out with her all day every day.

The bell goes for form and we quickly make our way down the corridor when i'm stopped.

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