Chapter 6

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I walk off the school bus and luckily Logan wasn't on the bus today. I walk into school next to Annabeth and she keeps me cheerful 'til i get inside. I hug Grace when i see her and tell her about me getting adopted and how nice my parents how is. She congartulated me and i thanked her. Hopefully i won't have a panic attack today and if i do just think about i just need to think about my holiday and new home. Holiday and new home. Holiday and new home. I repeat it over and over again in my mind so i don't forget.

The bell goes and noone has come up to me today and laughed or annoyed me so far. Lets hope it stays that way. I tell Grace what happened when i got off the bus yesterday and Molly decides to losten in. Thankfully she doesn't make any remark.

We walk to form time and our form tutor is called Mr Baldon. He is such a twat and thinks he's so cool. I have him for ICT as well. The other day in ICT he came up to me and my friend and started talking about how he's the archbishop of 'banter'bry. People apparently call him 'banter'clause. I walked passed him in the cantine and he said 'peace' to me. Can you um fuck off? When Grace didn't get her planner signed he did this role plat thing where he was acting out Grace going up to her mum and asking to get it signed.

He played us this video from this youtube channel called Vsauce which is actually quite interesting. He's started to play them for us all the time now. The bell sounds and i walk out of form and go to my first lesson which i think is Drama.


It's the end of the day and i get dressed back into my school uniform out of my P.E. kit. I put my foot onto the bench and start to take off my top and shorts. I here the sound of girls giggling behind me but i ignore it.

Once i've got all my uniform on i put my foot up on the bench again to do up my school shoe laces. I bend over and then a painful snap hits my arse. Great. I turn around to see the 3 barbie doll bitches sat there laughing there heads off one of them holding a leather belt in their hand.

I grab my bag and start to walk out of the changing room. The bell hasn't gone yet but i don't care. I fight back the tears and try to calm myself. Holiday and new home. Holiday and new home. Holiday and new home. Breathe in and breathe out. I make it to my locker and unlock it with the small key. I place my P.E. kit inside before waiting outside for the bell to ring so i can leave and go home.

I can't wait for tomorrow because i get to miss 5 days of school. By the time i get back hopefully people will leave me alone and my life will be normal. I can get on with my GCSEs and live my life without worry.

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