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Yoongi was upset once again. Namjoon promised him that he would be able to rest for a few days with his dog and that he and Jeongguk would handle mafia business, but then some cunt decided to fall behind on his payments and tried to fight Yoongi's previous messengers, and now he had to take care of it personally.

He sat in the passenger seat of one of his cars with a frown on his face and a fluffy blanket around his shoulders, covering his many tattoos. He was still grumbling about his ruined night when the driver's door opened and Jeongguk slid into the car.

"I wanted one-night Kookie, one fucking night, why couldn't you and Namjoon take care of this?" Jeongguk smiled and shook his head at his boss' whines.

"Because like it or not, you are the boss and we need to make sure nobody forgets that, so sometimes we have to put on a show," Yoongi wasn't a fan of how much sense Jeongguk made but gave up and leaned back in his seat in defeat.

"Who's the fucktard?" 

"Kim Mori, he is the guy that runs the prostitution ring," Yoongi frowned at the statement, why did they let a guy like him take loans in the first place?

"In case you forgot, we were told all of his girls are there willingly and we didn't want to take away their only source of income. We should've found them jobs then and there I guess, poor judgment on the part of the guy who handled this, but they usually had poor judgment," Jeongguk shrugged as he finished his last statement, and Yoongi furrowed his brows as he tried to remember who handled the case and why he didn't look over it.

"It was the guy you killed last week," oh, that's why he didn't look over it, the guy had been siphoning protection money and hiding transactions.

"Then how can you be sure this guy wasn't paying?" Yoongi was going to kill the scum anyway, but he was curious.

"It's just a hunch, plus I really want to shut him down so if it fits the narrative we want I'm fine with fudging some facts," Yoongi felt a bit more excited about it and smirked at that, he enjoyed shutting creeps down.

He hadn't even realized that they had been driving when Jeongguk came to a stop in an alley that reeked of mold and garbage.

There was only one door that Yoongi assumed led to their victim's club and it was coated in rust. Jeongguk was at the door before Yoongi had even gotten out of the car, and had just knocked when he suddenly perked up, and that's when Yoongi smelled it. The faint scent of lavender and honey, and he could only assume Jeongguk was smelling a mate of his own. Yoongi was ready to chase the smell when the door creaked open and he was forced to remember why he was in the alley.

To deal with a fucking pimp.

"What the fuck do you want Jeongguk? I told you if your boss has a problem he can come deal with me himself," Yoongi scoffed at the overwhelming stench of arrogance emanating from the rather disgusting man. He looked like a piece of trailer trash that went dumpster diving for things that he felt were classy. It was like a Mr. Potato of trends from the 20th century thrown onto one middle-aged man with premature balding and a beer belly.

"It's time to pay up Kim," Yoongi gently pushed Jeongguk to the side as he glared up at the pimp. He may be shorter, but the tattooed male never failed to intimidate men much larger than him, and Mori was no different. He was already whimpering from one glare of the small mafia boss.

"I don't have the money Suga, but I swear I can pay you soon, I promise!"

So hysterical within a few moments of meeting Yoongi despite all of the trouble he gave even Jeongguk. 


He entered an interesting headspace whenever he was disgusted, his normally quiet and demure demeanor vanished and left behind someone terrifying that built Suga's reputation. Namjoon and Jeongguk called him AgustD, and it only happened when he was deprived of relaxation because as soon as his outbursts were over he always ended up in little space begging for cuddles.

He yanked Mori out of the door of his pathetic club and shoved him onto the asphalt, relishing in the loud cried of pain that left the man's lips and smiled as he dug his heel into the pimp's hand, listening to the sound of breaking bones before he pulled his gun from his jeans and shot Mori's knee. He would've continued, but then he was hit by the wonderful scent again and back to being Yoongi, which Jeongguk immediately noticed so he quickly took over.

Yoongi did his best to not look for his mate and not whine as he glared at the man that was being taunted by Jeongguk. 

"I don't understand what's so fucking hard about paying us on time Mori, you seem to make enough from that filthy business you begged us to not shut down. Boss is getting tired of hearing about it so maybe we should just end you and that disgusting organization, shouldn't we boss?" 

Yoongi looked at his friend and gave him a small smile, "You know what J? I think we should." Jeongguk gave him a bunny-like grin before taking his out pistol out and ending the man's life with a bullet. 

As soon as the trigger was pulled Yoongi snatched his blanket and kumamon stuffie from the car and flopped down on the concrete. He wasn't paying much attention when Jeongguk called out to the shadows or when a small pink haired boy barreled out from the alley into Jeongguk's arms, giggling incoherent phrases at his shocked friend.

He was paying attention to the scent of his mate, pouting because he wasn't coming out yet, but then the smell got closer and closer and he looked up, still pouting, to see the most beautiful man ever looking at him in confusion.

Yoongi let out a needy whine when his mate wasn't moving forward, he felt his headspace fighting through and wanted to snuggle. He tried telling Yoonie that their mate might not like them, but Yoonie wouldn't stop whining, and suddenly the mafia boss was making grabby hands at the complete stranger, who still seemed shocked.

The small man let out another whimper at his unmoving mate, feeling rejected by the handsome man he'd spent his life waiting for.

The man started backing away slowly and Yoonie couldn't help but start crying because his daddy didn't want him. 

"Yoonie sawy daddy."

And suddenly, the man he called daddy was back, and the small alpha was in his arms.

Yoonie started feeling tired as the man stroked his hair and rocked him back and forth soothingly, barely catching the few words said by the handsome man with the deep voice. 

"It's okay kitten, daddy's sorry too."


What's up, it's ya girl with another update on the same day, I hope y'all liked it because I kind of do. Also, if what Taehyung did confused y'all it will be explained next chapter, but I think it's kind of easy to understand? 

Also also, for those that don't know, little space is basically when an adult that has probably suffered severe trauma, usually as a child, regresses to a child-like state, usually ranging from newborn to seven years old. They feel more comfortable like that and it helps them feel carefree and de-stress. If you think that is gross then this book isn't for you. I did put it in the warnings, and I won't be doing any sexual content in little space, little space should be something fluffy and caring, not carnal because they are children (I guess some littles may consent to that type of stuff I am just not personally comfortable with it). I enjoy portraying different types of mental issues(?) as realistically as possible, hence why I have a book in the works about genuine crippling OCD along with others.

Also also also, Yoonie is Yoongi's way of rationalizing his little side, and AgustD is his way of rationalizing his rare alpha outbursts. It isn't DID, more like mood swings.

For anyone that experiences little-space do tell me if I'm ever being inaccurate or insensitive because that isn't my goal.

As always feel free to vote and comment, I enjoy constructive criticism and love hearing from y'all, it's a great motivator.

Love y'all!

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