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If someone were to ask Taehyung why he did what he did, he wouldn't have an eloquent response. He wouldn't know how to phrase the feelings that led him to cradle the man he steeled himself to resent. Maybe it was just his pride holding him back from admitting that his mate's cries pained him and that he could handle a furious alpha, but seeing one so sad and helpless was his kryptonite. You can't really resist someone that wasn't trying to restrain you.

Taehyung also wouldn't be able to explain why he left his kitten. Why he bolted after the man fell asleep while Jimin was occupied with a man that seemed to be occupied with him. Why he left his friend with the man he knew was a murderer, or why he was now drowning himself in Long Islands.

Or maybe he could.

It's because he was a coward. 

It's because he didn't expect to want his alpha.

It's because he didn't expect the cliche sparks when he touched the small man.

It's because he actually dreaded the thought of the man rejecting him.

It's because he wasn't in control of his emotions.

The psychiatrist was always in control of his emotions.

But now he wasn't, and he wasn't sure how to cope with the fact, so he left his mate, he left his best friend, and he hadn't even slept with someone despite sitting at the counter for three hours and spotting plenty of options.

His stupor of self-pity was interrupted by the bartender setting a glass of water in front of him.

"You seem so depressed that I think it would honestly help you to be sober," Taehyung couldn't help but look at the man in awe, he was so busy drinking that he hadn't noticed how handsome his server was. He was an omega though and proudly sporting a mark on his neck. His mate was definitely someone important, but Taehyung was far too wasted to analyze the handsome man so he simply nodded and took a swig of the water.

"Rough day? You've been here for a while," the man's honeyed voice was soothing, and that paired with all of the liquor made the omega more willing to share than usual.

"I made a lot of mistakes today, dangerous ones, and I don't know how to fix them. I don't even know why I want to fix some of them." His blonde hair was a mess as he ran his ringed fingers through the locks in frustration.

"I assume it involves a mate?" Taehyung jerked his head up at the question, was this man a psychic?

"It's usually relationship issues that can get even people that seem very collected, like you, in a state like this," Taehyung was shocked at the analysis, maybe this man should take his job.

"Since you seem to know so much, how do I fix this?" The bartender's amused chuckle annoyed Taehyung, but the other omega seemed unbothered.

"I don't think I know enough to fix this for you, but you seem smart enough to figure it out yourself, just follow your instincts. I think you have a tendency to overthink things, but love is an affair of the heart, not the mind," the bartender finished his spiel before serving other customers, leaving Taehyung to sip his water and think about his next move.

And as his mind grew less cloudy, a wave of realization surged through him.

He fucking left Jimin with murderers.

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Yoongi hadn't stopped crying since he woke up alone in his bed. He wanted his mate, the man that had called him kitten. 

Jeongguk and Namjoon had done everything they could to calm the man down, but none of his usual things were working, and he was stressing out Jeongguk's mate, who seemed to be a little too. The boy who still hadn't told them his name was clinging to Jeongguk as he cried with Yoongi, both of them didn't know it, but they were missing the same person.

"Joon what the fuck are we supposed to do? I can't get my mate to tell me his name or his friend's name, and for whatever reason, there was nothing about him in the system," the muscle man was getting tired of the wails ringing through the house, trying his best to soothe his little mate while comforting his best friend at the same time.

"I don't fucking know Kook, you need to get your mate to get out of little space and then maybe we can solve all of these problems because in case you forgot, Yoongi's MIA mate also witnessed you kill a man. So hurry up and get him out of little space while I keep trying to calm Yoongi down," Namjoon shoved the bunny and his mate out of Yoongi's room, and Jeongguk grumbled before carrying his mate to the kitchen and setting him on the counter.

"It's okay baby, do you want some snacks?" The wailing little stopped crying at those words and perked up, suddenly eager and happy like he was when he first jumped on Jeongguk.

"Yes pwease! Jiminie loves snacks, especially juice!" The boy was bouncing on the countertop, and his mate couldn't help but smile at the cute display.

"Okay Jiminie, let's get you some juice," the little clapped his hands as his alpha poured some juice into a sippy cup, reaching for the bottle and giggling when his alpha picked him up and carried him to the couch.

"Okay Jiminie, I need you to go back to big space, it's very important," Jeongguk hated kicking people out of little space, but it was important. That didn't stop the pain he felt when sadness flickered across his mate's face as the boy seemed to get more dejected.

"Why?" Jeongguk was a bit shocked at how easy his mate lapsed back into big space, but he cleared his throat and continued to ask questions.

"Because we need to find your friend Petal," he didn't mean to nickname his mate that quickly, but he smelled like a Rose, a scent that was very distracting for Jeongguk.

"Taehyung? Where's my Tae Tae?" Jeongguk felt almost jealous at how frantic his mate was over this Taehyung but ignored the jealousy as he continued to question his mate.

"We don't know petal, but we'd like to help you find him because his mate is missing him too," the omega looked up at that, shock written across his face.

"Taehyung has a mate?"


"But he doesn't want a mate," Jimin's words shocked Jeongguk and suddenly the sobs that were dying down wracked the house once more with greater intensity.

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Hi, so I guess being sick inspires me

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