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Sunny stares in the mirror, feeling broken. She swallowed, unable to feel the warm saliva drizzle down. She sighs, starting to tear up. Though she was in love, she always had that thought in the back of her head that Calico didn't love her. He was distant and protective, and that was that just his personality, and she knew that, but she couldn't help it.

She took out a razor and swiftly dragged it across her arm, making a nice cut but not a deep one. She continued to do that and made almost a tic tac toe pattern all across her wrists.

She watched it bleed and just stared.

She's always had a problem not trusting people's words, even when Calico and her were little. Calico wasn't really a physical type of person, unless Sunny started... so of course this made her assume he wasn't interested.

Her mind was twisted that way, she felt sorry for feeling that way.. but no matter how many anti depressants she took, she would always feel that way. Unless Calico changes his personality, she's always going to think that he doesn't love her. This causes problems because 1. She doesn't want him to change, she loves him just the way he is.

She put on her soft pink pajamas and sat on her bed, the blood spilling all over her clothes. She liked watching it drain, letting herself feel something.

once again this is mostly a vent haha

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