Gryffindor Quidditch (longer)

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McGonagall claims that the best Gryffindor Quidditch team (before Wood, Potter, and the Weasleys, of course) was James Potter's 5th year team, which was also the year he became captain.  The roster was:

James Potter - 5th year - Chaser - Captain

Kingsley Shacklebolt - 5th year - Chaser

Marybell MacIntyre - 4th year - Chaser

Sirius Black - 5th year - Beater

Tim Takata - 7th year - Beater

Marlene McKinnon - 5th year - Seeker

Alice Fortescue - 6th year - Keeper

When McGonagall heard that Sirius was on the team she made the first-year who had told her tell her again.  She had seen a few Quidditch practices and knew that Sirius was a terrible player and could barely focus on the Bludger.  One day, she caught the team on their way back from practice and excused Sirius so she could talk to the others.  She told James that just because Sirius was his friend, did not mean that he could put him on the team while having zero skill.  Immediately, the whole team piped up and insisted that Sirius was one of the most important members of the team.  Even Tim, who was a brilliant Beater and could put the Team England players to shame, was convinced that Sirius needed to stay.  The professor could not understand why they would keep someone who was absolutely useless at Quidditch on an otherwise fantastic team.  Her confusion was cleared at the first Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw match however.  Sirius had a bone to pick with Ravenclaw's star chaser Norwin Charis.  He slyly aimed every Bludger toward the poor kid.  Not only that, but Sirius would start spouting the latest gossip while on the pitch.  He harassed Seeker Lamont about his new girlfriend who used to be his sister's (Maisie Lamont was a good friend of Sirius and he was mad about the whole thing), he went on about how Keeper Swanhill needed to learn how to stay balanced on a broom, about how he was certain Chaser Honeyfield had never seen a Quaffle until the beginning of the match, and he started belting out Queen songs halfway through the game.  This, paired with the terrible choice of a grudge-holding, potty-mouthed Remus Lupin as commentator, made the spectators roar with amusement.  At that point, Minerva realized that the reason the team wanted Sirius so bad, was because, if nothing else, his pure obnoxiousness would throw the other team off their game.  Honestly, even though she would never admit it, it wasn't a terrible plan.

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