Favorite Classes (longer)

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All of the Weasley grandkids attended Hogwarts. They were loved by all the professors and many of the students were fond of them as well. That being said, there was a sigh of relief every time one of them graduated. There was never a time in which all the grandkids went to Hogwarts at the same time due to the 11 year age gap between the oldest (Teddy) and youngest (Lily and Hugo) cousins. While Lily and Hugo were in their third years, there was a fight among the grandkids as to which class was the best class. James got together with Fred II to interview everyone in the family as to which class was the superior class and which one sucked the most.

Their notes read as follows. Italics are Freddie's comments and bold are James's :

granddad: liked muggle studies (how appropriate), disliked potions

grandma: Liked charms, disliked astronomy (why??) (she said something like it kept her up too late idk)

uncle bill: liked ancient runes and dada, disliked herbology (literally why its so easy)

Aunt Fleur: liked charms, disliked art class (beauxbatons slaps)

Uncle Charlie: liked care of magical creatures (again, v appropriate), disliked history of magic

uncle Percy: liked transfiguration, disliked herbology (stop the hate of herbology) (he said the mandrakes ruined it for him)

Aunt Audrey: liked magical law, disliked nothing (she says that she felt fulfilled by each class. also, James, how cool is it that Mahoutokoro has magical law classes??)

Uncle George/dad: liked charms, disliked potions (lol wonder why)

mom/Auntgelina (i hate that the rest of u call her this): liked transfiguration, disliked arithmancy (20/10 agree, awful class, do not recommend)

uncle ron: liked dada, disliked divination and potions (lol wonder why)

Aunt hermione: liked basically everything but especially charms and arithmancy (ew), disliked divination (if y'all hated this class so much why did any of u take it)

Uncle Harry/Dad: liked dada, disliked history of magic but also potions a little bit (snape ruined potions for a whole generation because he was angsty. that class is actually so enjoyable when a sad, greased bat isn't teaching it)

Aunt Ginny/the best mom (incorrect): liked charms (this class might win as the best one), disliked history of magic (fun fact! it's the only class she ever fell asleep in)

Teddy (the family's greatest pride and he's technically not even ours) (neither is Audrey but we basically worship that woman): liked dada, disliked history of magic

Victoire: Liked Charms, disliked Potions (she claims it's too tedious but literally she loves charms so idk what she's talking about "tedious")

Dominique: Liked potions (dom gets it), disliked Divination.

Louis: liked care of magical creatures, disliked transfiguration (he cried in this class because he had to transfigure a crab)

Lucy: liked arithmancy (ew) and astronomy, disliked transfiguration

molly: likes herbology (good) and dislikes potions (come on now)

Roxanne: liked dada, disliked ancient runes (but she was good at it anyway.)

The most beautiful Weasley (thank you, i agree): Liked potions and herbology (no one likes ur subjects), disliked charms (wow unexpected answer)

rosie: likes dada, dislikes astronomy (i understand this one because rose turns into an actual monster without sleep)

hugs (love the name): likes transfiguration, dislikes History of magic

My main mans James Sirius (applause): liked dada, disliked arithmancy (worst class rlly)

Alby Baby: likes charms and DADA, dislikes divination (he literally never shuts up about it tho)

Lily: likes transfiguration (she wants to be an animagus, right?) (she wants to be a giraffe which is useless) dislikes potions (COME ON)

The results of the questionnaire show that Defense Against the Dark Arts is the family's favorite class, followed by Charms and Transfiguration. The family's least favorite class is Potions followed by History of Magic and Divination. Lily, Lucy, Percy, and Ginny were the only ones to guess the correct classes in the correct order, much to the shock of no one.

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