Katsuki Bakugo: Past

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~Third Person POV, Following Katsukis thoughts and feelings~

Flashback Age: 5.

"Woah! Kacchan! Your quirk is so powerful! You have to be careful or you could hurt someone!"

"I know that Deku! I'm going to be the number one hero after all! I'll be better than All Might!"

"You can't beat All Might Kacchan! He's way bigger and more powerful then you!"

"I will beat him no matter what!"

"Sure you will Kacchan."

Izuku rolls his eyes.

Flashback Switch Age: 5. Later that day

'I'm cornered. Can't my control quirk yet.'

"You think your gonna beat All Might!?"

Pushed down.

"Your way to weak for that!"

Kicked in the side.

"And much too mean to be a hero!"

Kicked in the shin.

"My mommy says that people like you are villains!"

Punched in the jaw.

"My dad says that even if you aren't a villain, no one will love you!"

Punched in the eye.

"No one loves him now! Why would they in the future!?"

Rocks thrown.

"They won't! He's just a brat! Thats what my mom says!"

Bell rung.

"Bye loser!"

Pain...Tears... Katsuki gets up and walks back into class. The teacher pays him no mind as he sits down in his seat. Izuku pays no attention to his arrival. He does the simple assignment and turns it in. Katsuki lays his head in his arms until it's time to go home. He gets home and his parents never notice his scraps, bruises and cuts.

Flashback Switch Age: 6

"He's really mean to that Midoriya boy..."

"He acts like a villain..."

"He says he'll be the number one hero...But he probably will be a villain..."

Mitsuki Bakugo listens into the conversation coming from nearby. Yet another couple that doesn't like her son. They just happen to know their names since they were all regulars at this park.

"Inko, it's time for Katsuki and I to leave. We'll see you later. Katsuki let's go!"

"See ya Deku! Good luck at the doctors tommorow!"

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