
11 3 4

Josh walks to science class alone. This was another class he shared with Tyler Joseph, but he wanted to give him time to spend with Amy.

"Sorry for sorta leaving you there." Tyler's voice sounds from behind, the other boy soon sits next to Josh. "I broke up with Amy, the clinging was getting annoying." He chuckles.

Was it all a joke to him that he probably broke yet another girls heart?

Josh asks himself, before shaking his head and answering his own question.

Of course, this is Tyler Joseph we're talking about here.

"Yeah um.. Have you got any ideas for the show at all?" Josh asks, not commenting on what Tyler said about Amy, what's the point?

Tyler pulls out some sheets of paper, he smiles as he hands them to Josh. It was one of those smiles. Josh takes the papers and reads them.

"I've got a migraine, and my pain will range from up down and sideways thank god it's Friday cause Friday's will always be better than Sunday's cause Sunday's are my suicide days."

"Sometimes you gotta bleed to know. That you're alive and have a soul, but it takes a song to come around, to show you how she's the tear in my heart."
"This is not what you're supposed to see. Please, remember me I am supposed to be. King of a kingdom or swinging on a swing "

Josh hands the music back to Tyler, smiling as he thinks about his decision.

The second one is most likely about some chick Tyler will get with then stop liking after a week or so. That one is a no go.

On the other hand, the first and third on are both amazing.. We're allowed three songs so we could do that one and one more, maybe Tyler will think of something even better.

Josh hums softly as he thinks this, then finally speaks. "We should do the first and third one, then save the second one for, no offense, but when there's someone you really like." Tyler gasps and puts a hand over his chest.

"Now how do you know I dont like them?" He giggles once again, making Josh's mind go blank for a split second. "But yeah, you're right. The rest of the school will probably think it's directed to some random girl too. Ill write more songs and show them to you let's say.. In a week?" Josh nods in response.

"Sure, I'll work on what drum parts I think would fit well for the two we picked out already."

"Okay," The brunette responds, he pauses for a second then talks more. "Also, I know you're coming over and all but could I get your number? F-for when we can't talk in person" Josh notices Tyler flinch when he studders but doesn't comment on it. He grabs a piece of paper and write his number down, handing it to Tyler, who opens his mouth to speak again but doesn't get to as the teacher comes in to start the lesson.


Josh walks quickly to the office to meet Tyler, anxiety turning in his stomach.

What if he's not here?

Josh's fear was proved correct as he gets to the doors, Tyler was no where to be seen. Josh gives it a few moments before realizing Tyler wasn't coming, he begins walking to the exit and to his bus. A pair of hands is suddenly holding onto Josh's chest, arms around him.

"Hey Josh." It was Tyler's voice, he rests his chin on Josh's shoulder.

"Please, let go." Josh says, he liked the feeling of Tyler being close, but that didn't mean he trusted it at all.

"Sorry." Tyler says and lets go of the other. "D-do you want to go?" Josh frowns for a second, wondering why Tyler was studdering suddenly, he soon smiles agaim though.

"Yeah, let's go." He responds, then follows Tyler out of the school. The two walk in silence for around five minutes before Josh finally decides to comment on the fact that Tyler kept shaking and fidgeting with his hands.

"Hey.. Are you okay?"

"What? Oh y-yeah. Just.. I got a t-text from so-someone and it's messing with me a bit." He flinches each time he studders and his breathing was growing uneven.

"It's okay," Josh says. "You don't have to talk about it." He glances down at Tyler's hand, which was balled up in a fist.

This is a stupid idea.

Josh thinks as he carefully unballs Tyler's first, intertwining their fingers, it doesnt seem to help as much as he hoped, but at least Tyler's breathing evened out.

Well.. Maybe he isnt completely without problems of his own.

Soon they arrive at a small house, it looked to have maybe three bedrooms. Tyler pulls his hand away from Josh, giving a small smile.

"Sorry. My parents aren't t-too fond of me ho-holding anyones hand." He says, unlocking the door and walking in, Josh follows him silently.

Right as you walk into the house there is a piano, not a keyboard, an actual wooden piano. Tyler's parents were sitting in a room right next to the door, his mom stands up and comes over.

"Is this Josh?" She asks. "Why does he have blue hair? I thought you and Amy were dating." Tyler shrinks back a little, biting his lip as he responds.

"Me and Josh are only friends."

Josh didn't know why that hurt so much to hear. Okay so he did know actually, but be shouldnt be upset about it.

He's just a player, he doesn't know what love feels like.

Alright so Forest played twice while I was writing this lmao, anyways I'm pretty proud of this chapter (just got to the part about the treehouse in Forest as I'm writing this.) Anyways I hope you liked this chapter as much as I liked writing it.

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