Haircuts and Harsh Glares

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Tyler and Josh are their own people, don't harass them about getting together it's not cool. This fic is purely because I find them cute and nothing more.
Picture above is by me, based on "It's like.. Crisper.. Mostly red, with a hint of orange."

Josh lays on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, he was contemplating going outside in the already-cold air just to stop himself from being so bored. Josh rolled onto his side to look out of his window, there was a sheet of white frost on the ground, but the sun was coming up to chase it away. Just as Josh was standing up- ultimately deciding to face the cold rather than scroll mindlessly through Instagram and look at crappy, adolescent humor- his phone began ringing, the caller ID saying 'Jenna'.

"What's up." Josh answers, realizing with a jolt how much he missed his friend, who graduated last year.

"Hey Josh." Jenna responds. "How have you been?"

"Oh just.. Fine? Tyler Joseph asked me to play drums while he sings for that Senior competition thing. Y'know, the glorified talent show?" Josh heard Jenna giggle on the other side of the line at the last comment.

"Yeah, I know about it, idiot. I didn't know Joseph sang though."

"Neither did I, but he asked if I wanted to help out and even showed me a few of his songs. He's not half bad." There was silence for a moment before Jenna began speaking.

"Anyways," She doesn't comment on Josh's previous statement. "Are you still coming for a haircut? I don't have anyone else today." Josh mentally slaps himself for forgetting that he did have something to do, after all.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon." The two then say their goodbyes and whatnot before hanging up. Josh makes sure to grab his house key before letting his mom know where he was going and walking out the door.

Josh walks into Jenna's house without knocking and immediately sits in one of the chairs. The home had hard, black, tile floors and the walls were painted off white, the wall Josh was at having the typical mirror and hair supplies. Josh glances to the side as he hears one of the doors open, and is met with Jenna's eyes on him.

"Well it's about time you get over here." Jenna speaks first, a smile on her face despite her words as she goes and hugs her friend tightly. Soon after, Jenna goes to professional mode, telling Josh to sit straight, look down, and whatever else she needs to not screw up his beloved blue hair.

"So," Jenna says. "I thought you didn't like Joseph. What made you suddenly decide to talk to him?" Josh feels his face flush as he tries to think of the best way to answer.

"Well until I heard his music, I didn't care to be his drummer." Jenna raises an eyebrow as if to tell Josh to continue talking, so he does. "I've liked him since he came to school though. Don't give me that look, it's not some love at first sight cliche, I'm not even interested in guys."

"Alright." Jenna smirks. Josh just sighs, remembering the first time he met Tyler, a stab of guilt goes through him at the memory.


Josh was twirling his pencil around his fingers as the teacher talked to the principal at the door, most other students were doing about the same, knowing better than to act out when Andrew was around(The principal insisted everyone calls him by his first name rather than his last).

Josh glances up as a kid he's never seen before is led into the room, there wasn't anything too special about him, he was just a brunette with extremely short hair, as though it had just been shaved a few weeks ago. He was wearing some dark green jacket that looked a bit like what a military man would be wearing, it had a yellow fabric that reminded Josh of caution tape on the shoulders and wrapping around the sleeve at the kid's elbows.

Josh listens as the kid introduces himself, saying his name was Tyler Joseph and that he really liked music. Josh noted that the new guy had a slight accent, but he couldn't place where it was from. Next thing he knew, the brunette was sitting in the seat next to Josh and flashing him a grin.

"Hey, what's your name?" Tyler asks, his head tilted just a bit and his eyes wide as though he's never seen a boy with pink hair before.

Pinkish-red Josh thinks to himself, as though someone else had described him when, in reality, he was the one thinking the pink comment to himself.

"It's Josh." He responds a bit too late for it to be considered normal, but he had gotten lost in thought without realizing it. Josh really didn't care too much to try and make a new friend, even if this boy seemed interesting, he just simply wasn't interested in going through the effort when he already had Patrick, Jenna and now Mikey as well. Tyler had just said something else, but Josh hadn't been listening so he just hummed in agreement to whatever it could have been, though the back of his mind was telling him to stop being so rude to the newbie. He did, after all, remember how scared he felt when he first came to school all the way back in 7th grade, unlike Tyler he hadn't went up to anyone to try making friends.

Tyler hadn't tried talking to him again during class, apparently realizing that the other Freshman wasn't too keen on making a friend, and he began doing classwork like the rest of the kids in silence. For a few days Tyler would keep sitting next to Josh, but eventually he seemed to have befriended the group of punk jocks, Gerard Way, Brendon Urie, Pete Wentz and, of course, Frank Ireo.

Josh went to lunch a week after Tyler arrived at Cane High School, and noticed Mikey Way was staring wistfully at the group of jocks. Josh wasn't worried that Mikey would ditch them to go back to his old friends -he had told Josh and his friends about how terrible being with them was for a small, scared boy like Mikey- but he wasn't good at hiding that his ruined bond with his brother hurt him.

Josh had sat next to Mikey and glanced out of the window, noticing Tyler Joseph was sitting with the other four, his arm around what Josh could only assume to be his girlfriend. Of course, their group knew they were hot stuff and constantly jumped from girl to girl, even though Mikey swore Gerard had a thing for Frank and they acted very not-hetero in private. Mikey and Josh never commented on the new addition to the group, and Patrick and Jenna soon arrived, also not saying anything, despite the fact that both of them kept a close eye on the group too. Josh often caught Patrick staring out at Pete Wentz, while Jenna has a particular distaste for Gerard and never missed a chance to shoot the redhead a glare.

Josh listens to his three friends talking about whatever they could think of and looks wistfully at Tyler Joseph outside. Tyler looked out of place, Josh noted, maybe if he had been nicer to Tyler at first then both groups would be even, and the brunette's subtle accent will be added to the laughter and conversation around him. As Josh watched Tyler kiss the girl on the cheek his wistful thinking quickly went away, realizing that his friend group didn't need someone like Joseph in their group. That was when Josh swore he wouldn't so much as glance at Tyler Joseph again.

"I wonder if he would still be like this if I had befriended him first." Josh wonders outloud.

"Huh? You mean Tyler?" Jenna asks, and Josh ducks his head as he realizes he said the words outloud.

"Yeah. I mean, I can't help but wonder y'know. He's probably just trying to make a move on me." Jenna frowns.

"Josh, for one, Tyler's never shown a real interests in guys. He also wouldnt have showed you his songs I'm assuming. It must not be normal for him to share that seeing as I never hear anyone talking about Tyler singing." Josh doesn't answer, Jenna's words made sense, and he definitely liked the thought of seeing the side of Tyler that no one else did, it made him wonder how Tyler's own friends percieved him. Did they even know about Blurryface? His mom? Even his music?

"I'm glad you and Patrick got to me first." Josh eventually says. "I feel bad for Tyler, he got the jocks as friends when I got you guys." Jenna giggles at the, admittedly sappy, statement.

"No one else would have had you, Josh."

Word count, 1451. New chapter will be out in a week or so, I got a rough draft done for the next few and just have to type them up and edit some parts.
Friendly Family

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