09 | A Witch's Truth is a Mad Man's Lie

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As time went by, Ryder could not forget the words he'd exchanged with the young Witch. It had been just fifteen short months ago, and not a single piece of information to confirm nor deny the Witch Prince's previous claims.

The more Ryder thought about it, the less he understood what the words were truly trying to tell them.

The scroll had been left to him alone to decide where they would move forward from there. There had been no contact between the two species since the talk they'd had in his father's chambers.

"I swear this is the truth, father. He looked mad; I don't deny that but something about his eyes; he was telling the truth."

"Don't be naive, my boy. A witch's truth is no more than a mere mad man's lie."

Alpha Ryker often spoke in riddles where the truth lay just beneath the surface of the words. He often said what he needed to without saying much at all.

Ryder was yet to understand his father's wisdom hidden among the thorns but he was prepared to challenge this particular one.

"But there is always truth inside of madness. You taught me that."

"Not from a witch."

"Stop stressing over the words of a liar," Alpha Ryker commanded his son as he walked over to the bookshelf.

His son was seated on the wooden desk, ancient texts surrounding him.

"He would not have come in secret if it weren't urgent," Ryder murmured back, looking back at the ancient scroll.

"The witches lie, they always have. Their truth is what suits them - do not go mad for a mad man."

With an uncomfortable shrug, Ryder shook his head.

"This prophecy isn't made up. For the past fifteen months, we have sent others in search to find it."

"And nobody has ever returned with a shred of proof of such things," Alpha Ryker responded, once more, sure that this was a trick of some sorts.

"It is time for bed, my child. Lay these lies to rest and move on."

Before Ryder could protest, someone had entered the room.


Both of them turned around and the man began bowing his head.

"The prodigal Delta returns," Ryder cheekily commented, for he knew nothing of where the man had been for all these years.

The Delta, who was originally third in command beneath the Alpha, smiled at the boy that had been only in his mother's womb at the time.

Most Deltas didn't get the same ranking in the pack but this one was special: Alpha Ryker's best mate.

"Eighteen years I have been gone. You have grown into a fine young man," the stranger replied, feeling a sense of detachment.

"I am surprised," the Alpha choked out, not being able to believe his eyes.

One of his closest and oldest friends had made it home.

After all this time.

"And I too, am surprised. But more so that it seems you never replaced me."

Alpha Ryker had two other Deltas in this time, yet he never chose a new Delta leader. For the position alone was always meant for Landon.

"I could never do that to you. Even if you never returned, I would've never picked another Delta to replace the hole you left in our pack," Ryker responded with a warm, teary smile.

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