Ch. 4

210 4 0

3rd Person
Bbs head quarters
After the attacking the crew were making a plan to find where you went the tracked the tracker to find it outside there front door. Well shit now how are we going to find her now said Mini. Idk said Wildcat they are making plans to figure out where python went they searched every until they had to go to go to they school but they didn't know that python is going to the same school with them but they bully her.
The crew and I are on our way to our hell hole of a school. I'm pretty sure the popular group in school is going to bully me as always the only reason they bully me is because of my scar that's on my eye from all the abuse from my parents. I walked in the school and got jumped as soon as I walked in the school it was Chloe Jarens girlfriend (I love you Chloe no hate ) she hates me because she thinks I have a crush on him which I do because he's the only member in the bbs Crew who doesn't hurt me he tries to protect me but fails. What do you want Chloe I asked. I want you to suffer so Jaren knows how ugly you are. She starts to beat you up but the we hear a scream from someone and that someone was Jaren standing there with a shook face expression Chloe what are you doing to Y/n !!!! I u-um Chloe shuddered it's not what it looks like Chloe was trying to make an excuse. Idc Chloe were done I don't want someone who beats up my friends.  After that Jaren helps me up and takes me to the nurse I wasn't hurt luckily after we left I asked him a question why are you always so nice to me. Well I don't want to be like my father who abused my mother and left her there to die that's why I can see the pain you go though in your eyes there is rage sadness and hope In your eyes and I want to help.

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