Chapter Two: With Me

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Chapter Two- With Me

Whenever I felt like I would lose him forever he always came back. It was like a sign that we were never meant to be separated at all. Maybe we were supposed to always be together. Maybe things were as they should be. I wish things would always stay this way.

I imagined us both standing in a field with the bright blue sky overhead. He turned to me and shook my hand, promising he would always stay. My heart was filled with so much joy that I almost forgot I was daydreaming. I then realized it was time to wake up and opened my eyes.

I looked around only to find the setting of my room instead of an open field. My body was covered in a blanket and my head resting on a pillow. I was laying on my soft, warm bed. I looked at the ceiling for a moment before getting up. I knew my stomach couldn’t take any more time without food and opened the door to my bedroom.

I opened it just in time to collide with the heard head of the Italian standing there. I rubbed my forehead and laughed as he rubbed his too. He shot me an angry look but I just smiled my way out of it as he sighed. He crossed his arms and looked away.

“You should be resting, Spaniard.” he said, almost in like a commanding tone.

“Oh come on, Romano. I’m fine. The heat just got to me is all.” 

“Your smile won’t fool me this time. I sent for your doctor.”

My smile remained but almost formed a apathetic like expression on my face. I didn’t want him to know that it bothered me. Now that everything was out in the open I didn’t want him to know. I wanted to just carry out my own life without someone else worrying about me.

“The doctor is always right.” I joked.

“This is no joking matter, Spain! How can you just look so calm knowing that you’re gonna die?!” he yelled.

His statement caught me off guard. I never put it in those terms before. I knew I had a deadly illness that had no cure but there was no guarantee it would kill me. I wanted to live my life on the positive side, not the negative. Believe that there was still hope.

“It’s not been decided that my fate is sealed yet. I still have time to live. You can’t be scared of what might happen. You just gotta keep living.”

At this statement a few tears seemed to form inside his eyes. I was surprised to see him so torn up over something like this. To me, yeah it was scary but that was not a reason to not live my life. Then I remembered, to him it must be like losing a brother. He didn’t quite understand what I was saying. His mind was in complete shock.


“No matter how many insults you throw at me it’s not going to change the future.”

“I just don’t…. I don’t want you to die! You don’t deserve a fate so lonely like that. You never hurt anybody. All you ever did was help me. It’s not fair!”

By now the few tears had been released and I slowly used my hand to wipe them away. I smiled at the touching moment. It wasn’t every day you got to see Romano’s tears. Was it really so upsetting? Why did it mean so much to him?

“Hey now amigo. I’m still here. I’m not going anywhere.”

When they kept falling he buried his head into my chest and let his arms hang loosely at his sides. I slowly wrapped my arms around him and put a hand on the back of his head. Then, out of instinct, I kissed the top of his head. He, almost instantly, wrapped his arms around me.

I felt like the proudest father in the world. First of all he was concerned about my safety. Second of all he wasn’t afraid to cry for me. Also he was showing affection toward me. Taking all that into effect nothing could’ve made me feel happier.

Although there was one thing that came into my mind. Something about what was happening right now didn’t just make me feel happy as a father. Some other feeling kicked in that made me blush and want to never let go. What was this feeling that made my heart beat so fast?

When he released me his face was red too and I could see him struggling to make out a sentence. I gently patted him on the head and made my way to the destination I started of trying to go to. I made some churros and nibbled on them happily. I was so happy to finally eat something and fill my empty stomach.

Although something pulled me back to the other room. Something wanted to pull me back there and talk to him again. Some reason that just sounded stupid in my head. I ignored it and made my way to the tomato fields. I again stared at the big blue sky and was again followed by Romano. Whatever the feeling was trying to tell me it didn’t matter now.

I kept my gaze away from him until I could find something to talk about and started examining the tomatoes. I picked out a few ripe ones and put them in my hands. I sat down and sat all of the tomatoes in my lap. It wasn’t two seconds later when Romano stole one. I smiled and looked out toward the sunset.

“It’s a beautiful day isn’t it Romano?”

“I guess you could call it bittersweet.”

I chuckled at his statement, knowing what he said was true. The sky was beautiful and the feelings I still carried around were happy. Although I also wanted Romano to not be full of doubt. I wanted him to believe that I would be just fine. I did promise after all. 

“Romano. I’m glad you’re with me.” I said as I closed my eyes.

For the moment that was all I could ask for.

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