Chapter One

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(y/n)'s POV

I gasped, sitting up farther in reaction to my best friend, Maya, telling me probably the best news ever.

"Mr. James actually took our suggestion? When're auditions?!" I gasped. I had to do it. I had to be in the show.

We were putting on freaking HEATHERS after all!

"I think they're in like, two weeks? I'll ask him tonight at my voice lesson," she shrugged. She had much more time to process the news, so she was understandably calm.

I, on the other hand, was nearly shaking with joy. This was finally my time. I'd always wanted to play Veronica, and our shared voice teacher had expressed that he thought I would do well in the role someday. This could finally be it.

Nobody at the stage door would say "Were you even in the show?". They'd tell me they liked my voice and that my performance was compelling and that the dialogue was so sad yet so hilarious.

"Earth to (y/n)," Maya waved a hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my head.

"I have voice tomorrow, I can ask him. Oh my god, what if I get Veronica? What if I get to be a leading role for the first time? Mr. James said few weeks ago that he thought I could play her," I grinned like the madwoman I was.

"I can talk to him tonight, see who he's thinking for her? It'll be totally inconspicuous, he knows that I'd rather play Heather Duke anyway," she offered, eyebrows creasing together in thought. She always was pretty, in her own eccentric way. I admired her for her confidence, honestly.

"That would be fantastic, you're the best friend a theatre fan girl could ever ask for!" I pulled her into a hug, which she gladly reciprocated. We'd known each other since we were in Kindergarten. We'd grown up together, and were basically related. Which meant she loved making fun of me and my old self, but it also lead to nights like these.

"Now, can I blast the Into The Woods soundtrack or will your brothers get pissy at us singing Agony?" She asked, pulling herself away. I nodded.

"The real question is: do I care?" I said slyly, and she grinned and put her nose in her phone, turning up the volume all the way and pulling the song we desperately needed off of YouTube.

"I call Cinderella's Prince!" I told her, and she responded with a "Duh!" that was almost cut off by the music starting. This was how we spent every Friday after school, which I loved more than anything.

Davey's POV

I looked up at Race, who for some ungodly reason was in my house, uninvited, at 8pm on a Friday night.

"I need you to go to this audition," he said, as if that cleared anything up. I turned my phone off and focused back on him, squinting.

"Why would I go to an audition?" I asked slowly, almost afraid to find out.

"So my uncle's the acting director and the girl I've been trying to set you up with for ages is gonna be there. You can finally not be alone on Friday nights!" He said. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Racer, I get that you like to play matchmaker and all, but I don't want a girlfriend. I don't even do theatre!" I lied on the second part, I had been in multiple school plays before I transferred schools, and had years of voice lessons under my belt. But I still was confused and didn't want to, when I could be reading or studying.

"Come on, it's not even completely about her! I think you'll have fun, and it's a show I want an excuse to see," he said, digging himself further into the hole of "No".

"Why did you have to come INTO my house to tell me about the audition?! And what show even is this?" My voice raised a bit.

"Because you'd just ignore my text! And it's Heathers, the movie that we watched together that one time? They made a musical, and I heard they're looking for a JD!" Race seemed excited.

"So you want me to play an actual murderer who has sex with the leading lady?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Just think about it! It'll look good on a college application, dude! Make you look all multifaceted or whatever!" He said, and with that he climbed out the window, leaving me dumbfounded.

What had just happened?

Sarah opened the door and came in.

"I overheard what your conversation was about. Wanna talk your thoughts through?" She asked quietly. She, being my older sister, knew when I needed to just think everything out loud, and this was one of those times.

"Yeah. I love theatre and all, but being a leading man? In a show that's super violent and sexual? I don't think I really could do it honestly," I muttered quietly.

"Yeah, but do you want to?" She asked. That question caught me off guard, despite knowing it was coming.

"I... maybe I do. Do you think I want to?"

"I think you do, and you should. It sounds like a fun show, and Les would have to have a sleepover with a friend the night we'd come, but he wouldn't mind that either. You have talent, Dave. And maybe your leading lady will be cute," she winked after that, and I hit her with a pillow.

"Okay. I'll do it. I'll text Racetrack and ask him about the audition," I conceded.

"Good! Now, what about we review the material so you can pick an audition song after that?" She clapped excitedly. She hadn't even seen the movie Heathers, but I'd never heard the musical.

(965 words)

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