Chapter Ten

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(y/n)'s POV

I was extremely bored Saturday morning.

Like, so bored that I read year-and-a-half old texts with people I didn't talk to anymore. So bored that I'd read the entirety of an incorrect Heathers quotes blog on Tumblr and I still had nothing to do.

I looked at my wall, searching for inspiration of something, anything, to do.

But then I had an idea. I could work on timing to the track of Seventeen, since I wanted to be mostly prepared once rehearsals started. This was a paying gig for some odd reason, and I needed to prove that I could step up from to paying to be there to being paid to be there. I had to show I was serious about the production and everything involved. This was my chance, the chance of a lifetime.

Okay, maybe not the chance of a lifetime per say, but it was a big opportunity and a huge deal for me. Being paid to play such a vocally difficult character was validating to say the least, since I was good at it if I was given the role. Have you heard how much belting is in that show? It's exhausting and incredible.

I subconsciously opened my text conversation with someone, and I was already typing before I realized it was Davey. The realization sent an unexpected shiver of warmth to pass through my spine.

"whats your character interpretation of JD so far?" I finished typing and sent it, shrugging. It was a normal enough question, and I was rarely one to start a conversation with a boring "what's up" or "hi". It wasn't interesting enough, and a boring conversation was one of the most miserable things, like, ever.

"And hello to you too, (y/n). I think he's definitely very manipulative, which I'll lean into. He has a dark charisma, which we see in early scenes. He's genuinely so... fascinating to me. What's your interpretation of Veronica?"

"she's a huge dork who just wants to be treated better. she knows exactly what she's doing when she meets the Heathers, and it works. but she doesn't expect anything more than a cute badass boyfriend and some nice clothes, and everything's happening too fast and too intensely for her." I explained. I was proud of my analysis, and I was definitely going to play her like that. As a poor teenage girl who didn't really know better, and who just wanted something good besides her one real friend to happen to her.

"That's cool, I think that'll definitely work. The traumatized boy who turns to manipulation and obsession, and the girl who just wanted to enjoy her last year of high school. Truly a dynamic duo."

"heck yeah! we got this, and it'll be great. are you dragging your friends to see the show?"

"I'm not dragging them, but they will come. If I try not to let them, they'll just cheer louder during curtain call out of spite."

"oh noooo, absolutely horrible that the people you know are supporting you!" I teased, and I feel him rolling his eyes and scoffing at me.

"What about you?"

"my only real friends are in the show too, so yeah I'm dragging them." I answered. I wondered if he'd see that as sad, because it definitely was. I never really related to or got along with people outside my theatre circle. They always just scared me too much and I chickened out of talking to them.

"Only friends? You have to have plenty of friends outside the cast."

"yeaaahhh suuuureee. I also am friends with the assistant director, that counts right? I mean, a director isn't in the cast"

"You need more non-theatre friends."

"I have some non-theatre acquaintances, so it's fine."

"Anyone I know?"

"your friend Katherine, and a kid who goes to your school. he's wild, you probably wouldn't know him." I typed back.

"You'd be surprised at the people I decide to spend my time with" he typed back. Wow, good job being cryptic as fuck.

"translation into normal people, non-cryptic talk?" I typed back, sending the text without hesitation. I'd gotten relatively comfortable around him, and he was cool. It was nice talking to him, it made me feel warm through my whole body and a smile, that I didn't even realize I would be wearing, tug at my lips.

"My friends are some of the most wild, chaotic people at school. I don't know how we get along so well. They're crazy, but it's fun."

"aww, they sound cool. love to meet them sometime." I said. The thought made my smile grow, it was like a less formal meeting the family, where instead of trying to be impressive you try to be the coolest and funniest people they've ever met. That sounded very relationship-y, but introducing a new friend to a friend group is a similar situation so it's all good, right?

Even if it wasn't true, that was what I decided to tell myself.

"They'll probably all come to our show, and that one interview show that Mr. James said we're doing, so you can meet them then. Do you know anything about the interview by the way?" He texted back.

"oh yeah!! we get to sing a couple songs for a the press, answer questions, and talk about the show. it's the kinda thing that gets a lot more tickets sold, or so i heard, so we're doing likr two weeks before opening night. it'll mostly be focused on big characters and our interpretations of characters and stuff." I told him. Mr. James had told me all about this thing already, so I had plenty of info to give.

I was still so happy and excited to be involved in this production. How could I not be? I mean seriously, I could now put a leading role in an adult, professional production on my resume. that could give me a good leg up at Broadway auditions, which was definitely the goal after high school and maybe after college. After time passes.

"Oh, cool. I've gotta go do some homework now, I'll see you at rehearsal." He ended the conversation with that, so I sent a quick "bye!!" and put down my phone.

Yeah, I needed to do my homework too.

(1047 words)

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