Chapter Six

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(y/n)'s POV

A day had passed since callbacks, so it was a normal Tuesday afternoon. I was practically dying to know if I got the role. I genuinely hated the waiting time between auditions and the time the cast list comes out with my whole soul and a half. It was the worse. Probably a little known circle of Hell if I was being perfectly honest.

I was an ATHEIST, I wasn't supposed to experience Hell!

"Hey, is someone getting antsy per chance?" Mayo plopped down next to me at our lunch table. I nodded, my leg bouncing intensely. I mean, it always did that, but it was more extreme when I got nervous.

"Me too. I swear, Lacrosse is torturing us by not letting us know!" Our other best friend Laraya, who we called Lacrosse, was working as the assistance director to the show. She loved theatre in all its aspects, and despite the fact that she could act, she was often on crew.

"Yeah, well she's supposed to keep silent. Plus, it's technically a professional gig. Why wouldn't they be so cruel as to hang our possible first paying acting job over our heads? It's evil in itself, but directors are typically that,"

"If you're talking trash on directors, I'm gonna make sure you're not in the show," I heard from behind me, and saw our good buddy standing there. She was pretty adorable, with dark brown hair that was cut about an inch above her shoulder, freckles very visibly dotting her pale skin, and big green eyes. She also dressed quirky, with a loose gray t-shirt that had an outlined cat with glasses, jean capris, and bright yellow socks that matched the pikachu beanie on her head.

"You wouldn't dare!" I gasped, pressing a hand daintily over my heart. She gave me an evil smile.

"Oh, but I would," Mayo laughed at our exchange and I lazily wrapped an arm around both their shoulders.

"So, buddy, what do you know about casting?" She asked slyly, making me chuckle. Lacrosse shook her head, not as a "nope I have no information" but more a "you stupid little dork why am I friends with you".

"I know that I'm really not supposed to tell the actors that auditioned anything about casting," she responded flatly. "But, I also know exactly which roles you got,"

"You can't just say that and not tell us you tease!" I scolded.

"I was getting to that. You both got the roles you auditioned for. (y/n), how do you feel about getting your first lead role?" I nearly jumped out of the chair and knocked it over, but instead I wrapped her in a tight hug and did the silent scream thing.

"Oh my god I'm playing Veronica I'm a lead in a paying show this is my first step to Broadway I can't believe it oh my fuckin' lord holy heck," I ranted and the girls laughed, Mayo grinning wider than I'd ever seen her. She really did wanna play Heather Duke and now she got to.

She enveloped me in a hug while we silent screamed together because duh, we both just got told that we got our dream roles.

"You have to act surprised when Mr. James tells you, okay? He probably will at lessons this week, especially you (y/n). He'll probably want you to start working with you on the music pieces right away. He thinks both of you did super good at auditions though. And had good chemistry with the other people he selected for roles," She told us and we nodded, arms still wrapped around each other. 

I was going to be a paid actress. Plus, Mr. James had said he wanted to do a lot of fun stuff, like cast interviews and an invited dress rehearsal where people we knew could come see it. This was going to be huge, especially for my musical theatre resume. 

"Cool, we're actors for a reason. Right my dear Mayonnaise?" I winked at her and she nodded, giving a little salute.

"Geez, actors. See, THIS is why I'm a crew kid," Lacrosse whined.

"Yeah, well you can suck it because you're stuck with us insufferable actors," I slung an arm around her shoulder and she gave me a silly wide eyed look. 

"If I didn't know that I would have left years ago," She commented sarcastically. Mayo and I both gasped and I pulled away, instead leaning back into Mayo. 

Davey's POV

"So, you went on an audition? For a musical adaptation of Heathers? That's what you're saying?" Finch questioned me and I gave him a look.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. I even got a callback, and I'll know if I got the role on Friday," I told him dryly. 

"Who'd ya try out for?" Albert joined in. Everyone was eyeing me curiously, and it was putting me on edge.

"Jason Dean, like Race suggested," I answered slowly. Their eyes widened in recognition.

"You, playing a murderer? I have to see this, when's the show?" Katherine piped up.

"I don't know, I'll find out if I get into it. Or I could ask my friend that I met at auditions, but I doubt she'd know either," I answered awkwardly. Were they ever going to stop asking questions?

I realized I'd made a mistake when I saw everyone at the table either looking completely shocked or smirking.

"Oh, you met a girl? Is she cute?" Romeo asked. He was one of the many who had a devious smile painted on his face.

"I don't know? She's just a friend, I don't look at her like that," I said, but even I was aware I was a tad too defensive. They knew now. Jack sat back, examining everyone with a bit of a smile.

"You wouldn't know? I seem to remember you describing in detail just how pretty her eyes were right after ya met her," He decided to pipe up and I groaned, slouching in my seat. These guys weren't fond of giving up, and they all believed themselves to be master matchmakers. I was in for quite a bit of Hell.

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