Chapter Two

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(y/n)'s POV

"oh my gOD facetime me right this instant" I got a text out of the blue, and instantly recognized the contact name "Mayonnaise" as Maya. And here I thought she'd tell me the news tomorrow, not at 9pm.

I reluctantly complied, knowing she wouldn't stop until I answered her. She picked up immediately, showing her face lit up with excitement.

"(y/n), (y/n), (Y/NNNNN)!" She practically screamed at the top of her lungs. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Yes, Mayo?" I asked, batting my eyes.

"Mr. James told me not to tell you, but he says it's between you and Luna for Veronica! I told him that I think you'd be best, since you can like, belt, but OH MY GOD HE WANTS YOU TO BE VERONICA!" She fangirled right in front of me.

We'd been obsessed with Heathers since we were 13, and now we were 16 and could be in it? I understood her freaking out, to be honest.

"Oh dear fuckin golly heck! Did he tell you all the other roles?" I asked, curiosity powering me. I especially wanted to know who he was envisioning for JD, if I was seriously up for Veronica.

"Yeah, he said he wants me as Heather Duke, Ava as Martha, Luna as Heather Chandler if she isn't Veronica, Clara as Heather McNamara, and he was unsure of the others. He's especially scared of not finding the right JD, he's a pretty hard role ya know," she listed, and my excitement grew tenfold.

With such an amazing cast, why the hell would I be the lead? I was lucky as fuck.

"Does he have an idea on JD, though? Someone he's hoping auditions?" I asked. If I was seriously up for the role, I wanted to know who I was gonna perform Dead Girl Walking with.

And he has to be someone you can envision playing him through his proud, cocky moments and his insanity that he reaches by Meant To Be Yours. He's an insanely tough and complex role, and I completely sympathized with the casting director.

"He was thinking maybe Carter or Jeremy. The rest I don't know, I still had to take my actual lesson and all. As uninteresting as that is compared to getting the tea on casting."

"They both would be decent choices, and they're nice enough that I wouldn't dread Dead Girl Walking and Seventeen." I decided, shrugging nonchalantly. If I even stated a preference on either one, she'd be all up in my business about getting married or something. She liked romance and shipping just a tad too much.

"Yeah, certainly good to make out with," she winked before dissolving into a bunch of giggles. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, okay. You need to get to bed now or else you're gonna wake up my parents with the whole laughing thing, and I'm not about that life. They went to bed early," I told her, and she pouted in response.

"I'll keep it down. But I'm not gonna be happy about it," She whined. I chuckled and wiggled my eyebrows.

"You don't have to be. I am," I told her smugly.

"So, have you got a date yet?" She asked.

"To what?" I laughed at her. She really just wanted me to "just date someone already, you're too pretty to not have a significant other during high school!". Despite my constant protests. She was almost as bad as my friend, Race. He and I had met almost a year ago watching a production of Drowsy Chaperone and had been close ever since.

"To the show prom! Mr. James wants to throw one this year and be all Broadway. We're gonna just dress nice and eat, hang out, and listen to show-tunes. It's like a second cast party, but formal!" She seemed excited, which made me scrunch my nose. I remembered that he wanted to do that for cast bonding, but why did Maya want to do it? She didn't like dressing up OR social gatherings.

"I'd rather just go to Denny's after rehearsal or something. And why would I have a date when I'm not even in the show yet? Auditions are in two weeks, Mayo,"

"(y/n), your love life is the most important part of my life! If you don't get a significant other, I'm gonna find someone who likes you and make them ask you out and by golly you're gonna day yes! You are too much of a catch to not date yet,"

"I'm gonna hang up on you now," i told her blankly, rolling my eyes. She started to object, but I already had hung up. The screen went back to a page of incorrect Heathers quotes, just like before my peace was disturbed.

Davey's POV

"Sarah! Davey's listening to inappropriate music!" Les called down the hall, and I grimaced. That kid had superhuman hearing, I should have known that I was playing it too loud from my earbuds. I was aware blasting music wasn't good for your ears, nor was it a good idea when the song was Fight For Me, but I needed it for research.

I wanted to memorize the soundtrack as well as possible, so it would make learning lines, choreography, and blocking quicker. I had decided to audition, and I needed to commit to it.

"Ooh, Dave! Whatcha listenin' to?" Sarah burst in, long brown hair flying behind her back and settling on her shoulders.

"Just the Heathers soundtrack. I agreed to audition, I ought to be prepared in case I get the role," I explained. She made a little "oh" motion and nodded, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"You're gonna do great, trust me Dave. Did you pick a song to audition with yet?" She asked, tilting her head.

"I was thinking Chip On My Shoulder from Legally Blonde. One of the composers from Heathers also worked on Legally Blonde, and Emmett's singing part fits into my vocal range nicely," I told her, giving a small smile. I was already nervous, but my sister was good at calming me when I got too into this kind of thing.

"Then get to memorizing that too, young man! The audition's next week and you gotta make a splash if you wanna get in, the music director for the show also teaches voice lessons according to Race, so the kids who take them with him already have a leg up. Les, he's busy. His music is for research. And you may be hearing plenty more of it soon enough," Sarah started to leave.

"Why?" He asked, sticking out his bottom lip in a pout. I rolled my eyes a bit at the kid's inability to listen to anything around him. He was my little brother by blood, but we had nothing in common.

"I'll explain out in the hallway, leave Dave to his music now," She pushed him out by the shoulders and shut the door, tossing me a wink as she went. I nodded and got back to my listening (and the occasional taking of notes on things I wanted to remember about the character).

(1186 words)

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