Chatper 1: Where the Hell am I!!

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*Groaning* *Groaning*

'Where...Where am I?' I though as I opened my eyes, only to widen in shock. Why? Because the place he was in was white...just white. There was nothing as far as the eye can see. It was just white.

Looking around he tried to find a way out or something that may tell him.

While this man was thinking on how to get out of here so he could go home...but then he remembered something. Dying...he died...saving a girl from drowning, but his leg caught by something...he drown but the girl was safe...she was rescued, but in the end he died.

'Am I in heaven?' The man thought to himself and so he began to check his body, his heart...wasn't beating. He was dead. He then looked to his right and found a note. He picked it and read.

"Dear (Y/N),

I know that you might be confused so let me explain. You died saving a little girl from drowning. It was sadly her destiny to die, but you intervened and saved her, but sadly because she was rescued, you died from the lack of air.

It sad, that some like you died without thinking of your life and so I decided that maybe I would bend the rule a little. Once you finished reading this letter you will be given three gold coins and one wish on whatever you want.

The coins will determine your fate.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy your second.


P.S: Don't die to soon kid. I will be watching you."

Blinking rapidly. He then though that if he didn't intervene, then the little girl would die, but since I help rescued her, I died instead. Well not like he could do anything about it.

Walking up to the slot machine, three gold coins appeared in front of him. He put one in the machine and it landed on Naruto's face.

"The world you are going the Naruto world, please choose your what time you would like to be born."

(Y/N) didn't need to think, he didn't want to alter the Canon story that much and so he then thought of before that time, which would be unknown to him, but he already decided.

"Seven years before the Kyuubi attack."


He then put another coin in the machine and it landed on a Lightsaber?

"You know wield both Chakra and the Force, but be warned to not lose yourself."

(Y/N) blinked, but then grinned. He could use moves like Force Push, Force Lightning and so much more. He did preferred the Sith side of things, but he would use both for one reason. Balance. There is a balance in the Force. There was no Light or Dark Side. It was just the force.

Putting his last coin in there he got a Class Card from Fate series anime.

"Congratulations you got the Class Cards and will be able to wield there powers and weapons, as well summoning them with your Chakra."

He could summon servants to fight for him, but he didn't want to use people like Gilgamesh and some of the more arrogant character, but that didn't mean that he hated them or anything. There was a few that found to stupid. Maybe he could leave some cards here if possible.

"Please make your wish" A feminine, but a voice of that a machine spoke.

(Y/N) jumped at the voice. He looked for the voice, but couldn't find it.

"Please make your wish." The voice said again.

What could he want. He didn't know. He didn't care about a lot. He was just an average person before he died.

Maybe a weapon or something.

No that would do. Maybe knowledge. No he was a fan of Naruto and read a lot of fanfics on it.

Maybe he could ask for...

"I wish to have a companion. I don't want a human nor a animal. I would like for an AI to be implanted into my head.

Said AI would have some abilities as well.

This AI could operate on anything. Basically the AI can do the same thing it could do in Red vs Blue.

Well this is my wish if you will allow?" (Y/N) said.

"Your wish is granted." The female voice said.

With that a bright light happened.

(Y/N) eyes were closed before they slowly opened. He was confused. Where was he. Looking around it was all dark. He then tried to speak but only gibberish came out.

In that moment he knew where he was. His mother is about to give birth to him.

6 months later (3 months went to be fully developed to the point to where he had a bard and semi fictional body.)

All I know what had just is that I was asleep and the next I know that My baby body was met with the cold air of an hospital.

I did the only thing I could. I cried loudly. I then got a good look at my mother saw her hugging me with tears in his eyes, but then slowly but surely she started to close her eyes.....*Beep* *Beep*

(Y/N) eyes widen and tears came into his eyes. He had just lost his mother. He cried...cried and cried praying that someone would please keep his mother here with him.

Not a moment later nurses and doctors rushed into the room trying to get my mother to come back to life.

One the nurses grabbed me gently and led me to another room on a bed. She then started to take care of me and I fell asleep praying the doctors could help me my mother, but I knew somewhere in my heart that was impossible.

A week later I was placed in the orphanage. Turned out my 'father' was asshole who raped my mother. (Y/N) knew that he was going to find this man and when he does he was going to kill him, but not now but soon he will do it, after those who are patient are rewarded.

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