Chapter 4: Meeting Baby Naruto

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A few weeks had gone by since the Kyuubi attack. The village was slowly picking itself up again. Just like Canon, Hiruzen told everyone that Kyuubi was in Naruto, which the public reacted badly to it, which also caused Hiruzen to make the S-Rank law concerning Naruto.

Anyone that talks about the Kyuubi will be executed.

Naruto was then put in the Orphanage where wasn't after very well, it was usually me who take care of him. When Patron tried to remove me from Naruto, I gave her a killer look that would make her regret her decisions.

Also the little girl he saved, I regret that moment I did. I found out when it was revived where Kyuubi was she tried to kill Naruto the first, but I grabbed her hand that held a knife and kicked her across the hall. Her eyes showed betrayal. Why, because I didn't agree with her killing Naruto, if so, she could go fuck herself then.

I walked inside Naruto's room and managed to calm him down. After that night I made sure to be in his room at all time. If I found some type of injury on him, I made everyone life hell here. They knew it was me of course, but they couldn't do anything for they had no proof. In the end everyone got the message to not fuck with Naruto or else.

For the next five years, I have been training myself, trying to protect him from everyone. I grown very fond of him, like a father would for a son or daughter, but when Naruto might be around a few years older, I could play the role of a brother instead.

The girl that I saved, I later found out her name is Melina, started to tell me that what I was protecting was demon, I told her I was protect my little brother. With that she kept on trying to change my mind about it, but I never budged on.

For past five years, there was a mob formed and Melina was able to distracted, until I heard the screams of Naruto in room. When I tried to rush back to his Melina tackled me, I just used to force and used Force Push knocking her into a tree. I used Force Speed and ran all the way to Naruto room and what I saw made me go red.

I took out my lightsaber and charged at everyone there. I killed...I actually killed them all. What everyone found bodies with char and me cleaning the blood off Naruto, when I looked at the ninja and Sandiame, then flinched. My eyes were Sulfuric Yellow. The eyes of a sith and in this moment, I was close to going over to the Dark Side. Turning my head to Naruto I spoke, "Take the bodies out here, this is going to happened every year from now on, until it all stop. I will protect Naruto Uzumaki from anyone including you."

With that they began to clean everything.

Melina on the other had was horrified. She called me a monster and that I needed to be put down.

I looked and spoke, "If me being a monster just protect my love ones is going to make me a monster, then find so be it. I would gladly become a monster. Also Melina, I not the only monster here, in this world, everyone is a monster, there is no one innocent, you, Melina, are a monster as well." With using the Force Push to out of my way and closing the door.

I later met with the council who tried to met to be imprison, but I countered that I was a baby was a barely a year old. They told me what I was protect was not a human, but a demon, before I grew serious and threaten some of their own...illegal business. Once I mention one of them...they dropped the subject in fear of them dying.

And so I never leave Naruto side and if so, I would leave a Shadow Clone. The Third Hokage while he does not approve of me killing...was happy that I would protect Naruto.

A few years later...I would leave the Orphanage and get an Apartment building. Since the previous owner was already going to cell the Apartment building complex...he kind enough to give it us...on one condition. He made swear to take care of Naruto...hmm I guess not everyone saw Naruto as a demon. Thank goodness, but I couldn't shake the feeling something was up. As he signed the deed over to me, with me signing it as well, but not before reading it over to find nothing fishy in their. No underhanded tricks. Nothing.

But then five months had gone by was then disaster struck. The man who gave us the Apartment complex orginized a mob to burn the building down, but not before trying to kill me and Naruto first. But when they came was pretty. I showed them what a demon in human form could do. The next day the coucnil tried to arrest me again, but again with my previous threat and that they were on HIS property, he could do what he saw fit. If they had a problem with that. (Y/N) activated his lightsaber and pointed it to the council and told them if tried anything, they would die, but not only them...there family...friends...anyone who knew would be no more. Once again the council stepped back in fear and so the matter was over.

Once Naruto turn 8, he was being trained to be a ninja. Like Cannon, Naruto had trouble with the clone justu and so he needed to learn the shadow clone Justu, which I taught him. But I didn't want him abuse its power...he was only eight after all and so he would wait...until 10 least or until he is genin After that he would.

(Y/N) sighed. He really had his work cut out for him. But for now he would need to prepare for things to come...if...if he no longer alive. While he was powerful, he knew he would someday and so he would leave everything Naruto would need. And so (Y/N) began writing letters to Naruto to do things when he reaches the age of 13 or until Carolina deemed Naruto to be ready.

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