Chapter 3: The Kyuubi Attack

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Two Years Later

Two years had passed in the blink of an eye for (Y/N). The training he did was a simple for his body.

This is the training regimen he did.

7:00 Wake up

7:20 Breakfast, shower and other morning things

8:00 Chakra control

8:30 Force control

9:00 Reading Chakra Scrolls

10:00 Meditating

10:45 Break

11:00 Taijustu practice

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Reading

2:00 Break

4:00 Lightsaber practice

6:00 Dinner, Break and other things. (He could practice whatever he wants in this time.)

10:00 Bedtime

Over the pass two years he stuck to this schedule, never changing it, although Carolina suggested that he did so in the future, but he couldn't think of that right now. Today is the day, today is October 10. The day the Kyuubi attacks. (Y/N) had saved some money (Stole) from the Matron and went to a ninja shop, which normally allowed only ninja but they had some civilian stuff and I managed to convince said ninja that I only wanted to by a couple of books and wanted one Storage scroll.

I got some Chakra control books and fuinjustu books for beginners. The ninja was happy to know someone was interested in the art of sealing and threw in the sealing scroll for free.

I had put the class cards in there. When I got them, I knew that didn't need them, but Naruto would need them in the future. He didn't know why, but he had that feeling and he was going to trust it.

(Y/N) began to think if he could have avoid this, but something told him it needed to happen no matter what.

He didn't like it, but if Naruto is sent to the orphanage then he would be close to him. He would need to take care of him.

Other than that he didn't really think of anything else. He could get some food that would last a while. No he just needed a place to hide. No he could maybe help some people get to some place safely. Maybe he could that, yes that is what he will do.

Night time minutes before the Kyuubi attacks. (Y/N) looked down from the roof to see the people enjoying a festival or something, he didn't know what but they were enjoying them, he looked over to the crowd and saw a teenage Kakashi and Gai. He waved at the two who waved back at him, then (Y/N) body stiffened.

It time.

Suddenly there was a large poof of smoke that was like the mushroom when nuke explodes. Then once the smoke clears, the Kyuubi emerges, swinging his tail furiously around the building. Using his paws to crush the buildings. Ninja, form Jonins, Anbus, and Chunnin began their battle with the Kyuubi, while the Genin were told to stay back, help the civilians evacuate. (Y/N) watched with no emotion on his face. He so far saw no civilian were killed, he saw a few injured but nothing to dangerous. He looked at the ninja and saw a few Chunnin were down, injured, but not dead. He saw the Jonin's and Anbu's trying different attacks, before falling back. 

Looking down in the road, he saw a hand under the rubble moving back and forth. He could leave her and ninja could find her.... but then remembered that little girl he saved from drowning. He...he....he wouldn't allow this person to die. Jumping the from the roof, he used the Force Sprint and back to move the concrete off the the person and to his surprise it revealed a little girl.

He smiled as tears of joy came down on his face, he didn't know why, he couldn't help but feel happy.

The little girl opened her eyes and saw the tears of joy coming down (Y/N) face. She thought 'Why is he so happy. That smile...could I smile like day?'

(Y/N) picked her up and ran to the one place he could think of. The Hospital. He used the Force Sprint to run there, but his body couldn't handle the Force Sprint being used for so long and he collapsed, when he was in front of Hospital where there was several ninja who were surprised that this could run very fast, but they shook that feeling when the boy collapsed and with girl with her. They were rushed inside. The body was tired though, but the girl was lucky to be alive.

Where (Y/N) was he was talking to Carolina telling him that the Kyuubi attack has ended and the Yondaime took care of it and sealed it in Naruto. (Y/N) nodded his head and feel asleep. He need to widen his reserve for the Force use. He would begin tomorrow afternoon, as tomorrow it was supposed to be the day of the Academy starting, he thinks though it might begin January. He wasn't one hundred percent sure.

Letting him drift off, he began to dream. Dream of the future, whether it be good, bad, or even hell, he didn't care. The only thing he wants to do is just enjoy his time, before this life ends for him. He just hopes that he would last long enough to train Naruto to become strong enough to protect those close to him. He could just hope in the end.

The End

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