Chapter 5:Goodbye...Otouto

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Something was in the air. (Y/N) had felt in the morning when he woke. One year ago...he became an official Ninja of Konoha. He was given the rank of jonin and so for had one mission. To protect Naruto at all cost. He did so, but he was called to the Hokages office. Once he got there something was up. Everyone had a grim face...even Danzo was worried about something. I knew something was up.

"(Y/N)...I have some bad news. Intel tell us that...there over 3 thousand nin, samurai, mercenaries and who lot more...coming to destroy Konoha." My eyes widen...this never happened in the story.

"I see...very well. I will buy you time. Three days... that how long you have to prepare." My response that which shocked everyone there. The Jonin all shocked. This kid...was going to by them time. Impossible.

(Y/N) stood and was going to leave but then he was stopped by Hiruzen. "(Y/N)...what about Naruto?"

"I will leave him in the hand of the only person I trust. Also Naruto is strong...he will be over my death in it is the cycle which no one could...the cycle of life and death. I will leave everything that belong to me, it then belong to Naruto Uzumaki Now get your forces ready. Your...wasting time." With that (Y/N) left and went back to his apartment.

Naruto had fallen asleep once more and I smiled and left my letter and box right beside. "Well what are we waiting for lets go." Carolina said. I smiled and shock my head.

"My time is up...but yours is only beginning. Protect Naruto. This my final order, so listen. Be the sister that Naruto never had. Help Naruto with what he needs. Help him...move from him be happy. This is you last directive."

"...Acknowledged..." Carolina sounded sad.

(Y/N) smiled one last time at Naruto. "Goodbye Naruto...Your Nii-san loves you...remember this brother...never say goodbye...if don't say aren't really gone...your just not here right now." With that (Y/N) left and once Naruto woke three days later, thanks to Carolina keeping Naruto asleep because she knew Naruto would try to help his older brother in battle...he learned many things. He learned there was an invasion at the borders. He learned that his brother...went alone...and died. He fought for three days and nights before falling in battle. The Sandaime Hokage was there when (Y/N) died. He said that (Y/N) had turned towards hims before looking at the skies smiling...but they didn't bring his body back. When question, they said that his body disppeared into dust.

He was dead. Naruto's older brother was dead. He wanted it be a dream a nightmare...but he knew that it was the truth. While he was asleep he heard everything his brother had said, well almost everything. There was a funeral for him but the only ones who showed up were the ninjas, Sandaime and finally Naruto.

The skies were nothing but cloud, rain coming down The only time it was like...was when the Yondaime Hokage died. Were the Heavens really crying that much.

But Naruto didn't care about that. Naruto began to think his future...and one thing was for certain.

This is only the beginning.

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