Chapter One

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Some say she was gifted by the gods, others say she was cursed

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Some say she was gifted by the gods, others say she was cursed...but maybe she had been both. This is the legend of a girl gifted by the gods with ethereal beauty and later cursed for it.

The patter of feet could be heard as she ran through the village towards the temple, nothing but the moon and a few street lamps illuminated her face. The guards stared, indecent thoughts running through their mind yet they were too afraid of the wrath Athena may unleash on them if they were to attack a priestess of hers.

Medusa bound up the stairs, a bright smile upon her face as she bent down and laid an assortment of fruit at the feet of Athena's statue. Some people thought her prayers should have been served to Aphrodite because of her apparent and obvious beauty whilst others thought that Narcissus would have been a perfect fit for her because of her vain nature.

Medusa lit the lamps, giving little light to the temple as she made a small prayer, she preferred when the temple was empty and the sky was dark to send out her prayers, her parents always warned her about the evil thoughts men harbored when seeing a beautiful girl yet she never paid much heed.

"Nothing has happened to me yet Mama, Athena protects me so I'll be fine." She'd stand on her tippy toes and kiss her mom reassuring her, but as time went by, Medusa sprouted, gone the girl who stood on her toes, Medusa was now a beautiful woman who had to bend down to kiss her mother. Her mother also slowly forgetting her fears and believing Medusas words.

Athena will protect her.

Medusa said a final prayer before turning and leaving the temple. It was a breezy night, Medusa had a light shawl over her body, which she gripped tighter. The tip of her nose turning a light pink from the cold.

" Isn't it a bit late for you to be roaming and offering our prayers." Came a man's voice from behind the temple column, shrouded by darkness.

Medusa looked around trying to see the man, " It's never too late to pray." Medusa should have run and not paid much heed to him, but she was stuck in a belief.

Athena will protect me.

She felt invincible.

Medusa stepped towards the darkness and a man stepped out, she was taken back for a moment when she noticed the scar running down his face, the apparent rugged handsomeness didn't phase her, he was clearly older than her. It showed.

He had become a bit too close for her liking and she suddenly felt a bout of trepidation. The night was eerily quiet and Unable to help himself he drew her closer and kissed her. Medusas eyes were wide, never before had she been kissed. Yes, she was vain but she was also innocent.

"Stop!" She screamed, pulling away.

The charm hadn't worked on her. She pushed back and ran into the temple where he appeared in the blink of an eye.

"You dare refuse Poseidon! God of the seas!" Said an enraged god " You should feel honored that a god could want you."

Medusa was overcome with shock, she held her arms up ."I dare not, but I cannot break my Oath as Athenas Priestess." Medusa stepped back, tripping over the stairs to Athena's statue, she was a shivering mess, Her shawl, lost.

Athena will protect me was still playing in her head even after he had stalked toward her and forced himself on her. She stared up at the statue, crying. Wondering why she hadn't come. Poseidon left Medusa near dawn, blood covered the stairs, her peplos torn across her side exposing bruises.

Medusa lost hope and wondered how she would get home, a priestess, looking like how she did would not only cause rumors and outrage, it would also tarnish her families reputation. She covered her eyes and bawled barely noticing the flash of light before her. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and looked up.

"Athena?" She asked, hopeful and between sobs. " you've seen what he has done to your priestess and come. " it almost felt like a question.

Athena's calm serene face mimicked that of Poseidon. Rage was as clear as its misdirection, Athena could only direct her rage at the helpless girl even if she, herself despised her womanizing uncle, she couldn't deny her father was the same and most gods were carved from the same stone. They would sooner punish the innocent that fault themselves.

"You impudent, vain girl! You caused this and you expect me to avenge you. A priestess of mine? Sullied! And on the steps of my temple!" She screamed in outrage. Each word from her felt like a sword piercing Medusas heart. She tried to explain but it was to no avail.

"No! I'm not here to avenge you... I'm here to set an example. " She laughed.

Athena began to whisper, her voice becoming louder until in transcended into a chant. Medusa screamed out in undeniable pain, her body arching.

A few people ran up to the temple to see what was happening, her mother was one of those people, grey streaks of hair was prominent against the semi-black and her otherwise smiling face detached when she laid eyes on the scene in front of her.

"No!" She cried, about to run towards her daughter.

"You can't go against Athena." The villagers said, holding her back and attempting to console and shield her.

she fell to her knees in front of the temple with glistening eyes. No one could help.

Medusas legs transformed into a thick scaled snake tail. Her gorgeous locks of hair morphed into snakes and Athena didn't stop there she turned medusas tongue into one of a reptiles.

"Look away!" Athena announced to the people. "Less you want to be stone." There was gasping in the crowd and everyone looked away. Everyone but one boy who locked eyes with Medusa. He barely screamed before his body began to stiffen and turn to stone. Medusa in a panic looked toward her mother who she was sure looked away in disgust.

Her mothers eyes would always haunt her, the eyes of someone distraught, she watched as her mother hardened, along with a tear that was about to leave her eye.

Medusa was overcome with so many emotions, Betrayal, disgust and a sense of hopelessness. she had wanted to scream, beg for help from the people, beg for mercy from Athena. But not anymore, now there was no pain, not physical at least, she could feel her heart being shattered and torn, a lump formed in her throat as she recalled her mothers last moments. Memories of venturing to the market with her mother and seeing the young boy and his family flashed through her mind. They would often see him in the market place with the other kids, He would run around and play with his father's carved horses.

His parents were probably still setting up their stall unaware of what had become of their baby boy.

Everything began to go Hazy for Medusa.

"Let this be an example to All!" Athena said to the crowd before snapping her fingers, causing Medusa to disappear before she herself did as well.

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