Chapter Four

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Decades went by and the loneliness slowly turned Medusa colder, she could barely remember what it felt like to be loved let alone how to love another person. She thought maybe love was what she felt for Chimera, the only friend she'd had other than Brontos who was gone now.

Would I have descended into madness without him? Was one of the thoughts that would run through her mind every now and then, Sometimes she'd go to her garden and sit next to Brontos's grave beneath the tree to let him know she hadn't forgotten him and that she missed him, at times the wind would blow through causing leaves to shake and if she was lucky petals will fall...she took this as a sign that he missed her too.

She'd look up and smile, but that and when she was around Chimera was the only time. When Chimera went out to explore alone, she would be a cold shell, slithering around, the loneliness swallowing her.

"Was I an evil person in my past life? Perhaps that's why I'm cursed now." She said with a sigh, she looked down at the rock figure she had just finished. It was a hobby she enjoyed in her spare time, it was Chimera.

She set it down next to her collection. There were only three stone statues, they were of the ones she had loved the most. One was her mom, the other Brontos and Chimera...but there was one more behind those three, it was her or at least the person she was.

After years of looking longingly at the statue, she decided to hide it behind the others. She didn't need to hope anymore and it had been far too long since she had been hopeful.

Medusa sat peering down at her hideous reflection in the spring, she dropped her can in disrupting the reflection and brought it back up, she was fetching water to fill for Chimera who was lounging on her pelt, fast asleep.

A loud noise that drew Medusa's attention up, toward where the hole was just in time to see something huge fall from the sky causing a loud bang that woke even Chimera.

When Medusa finally made it to the garden she saw the massive, blue scaled creature unconscious with its wings splayed out. It was bleeding profusely.

Medusa slithered toward it only to have Chimera jump out in front of her, he shook his head and turned his nose up in a gesture that showed he didn't trust the dragon or think she should go near it.

"It's alright, He can't hurt me right now," Medusa said, petting Chimera.

Medusa cleaned up the dragons massive wound, she found her blood had self-healing abilities and used it to help him even though he was healing quite fast on his own, her blood caused it to heal overnight, but he still remained unconscious as days and nights went by. Medusa stayed close by his side knowing she couldn't do much besides wait and hope that he wouldn't eat them if he did wake up.

Rain began to fall and it battered the dragon, whilst medusa wrapped herself in her pelt only able to watch from more of a distance and feel sorry for the creature.

I wonder if he feels cold. She'd thought but then remembered that he had thicker scales than her that may help him more, by the time the rain stopped it was morning and Medusa went to check on him again, with Chimera escorting her.

She was mystified when she got there. what she had seen when she left and what she had found when they arrived was mind-blowingly different, the dragon had disappeared and what was left was an unconscious man laying on the cold floor.

When Medusa turned him over, she was in awe. She had never seen someone as attractive as he was... He looked to be around twenty-four, His grey hair stopping at his shoulders, But what captured Medusas attention was the dragon tattoo that stretched across his shoulder and down his arm.

"He must be the dragon. " she murmured to herself, thinking maybe a god cursed him too and wondering how he was able to transform back and hoping maybe she could too.

Medusa looked down at him and decided she had to keep helping him, she bent down and tried to pick him up only to realize how damn heavy the man was. Medusa looked at Chimera hopefully. The creature looked back at her and with a roll of his eyes laid down so she could rest the man on his back and he could help her take him back to their hut.

The days that Medusa tended to the man she noticed how sometimes his skin would change from tanned, soft skin to scales that were as hard as diamond and shone just as bright.

Even as a beast he's beautiful.

She'd thought as she wiped him down and wrapped the pelt around him to warm him.
At night she'd try and feed him or at least get water down his throat, a part of her terrified at the possibility that he was the thing she despised the most; a god.

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