Chapter Nine

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For the first time ever Medusa looked down at the island she was trapped under, it was so strange. She was tempted to call it heaven above hell, but she didn't think it would be appropriate. After all, Brontos and Chimera transformed a cold dark place into something she could call home.

Medusa noticed the tall buildings and small huts floating on water. She looked down filled with awe.

What kind of magic is this? She wondered.

She watched as the green strip of land disappeared along with the flickering lights from the homes below, out of reflex Medusas claws dug into the thick scaled dragon when his speed increased causing the wind to lash at the serpents ontop her head.

I'm not going to fall, I'm not going to fall...

Medusa shut her eyes tight, feeling a tinge of panic take over as her heart rate quickened. The rush was fleeting. It hadn't even been five seconds when she'd felt herself drop with the dragon, a heavy thud as it met the ground. She bravely peeled open her eyes, barely noticing her own self slip of the kneeled dragon as she took in everything around her. It was day here. She looked up and saw the gaping hole in the ceiling, yet instead of feeling trapped as she did in the cave she felt free, she looked around and noticed the room was filled with treasures; diamonds, mountains of gold and an array of gems from emeralds to rubies.


Medusas slithered across the black granite floors her hands gliding across sheer white silk that hung across the spiralling gold columns, from one end to the other.

It's so soft. She thought before pulling her hand away worried that it would tear.

Medusa noticed a large window at the end of the room. She excitedly went over to it and looked out. The gasp she let out left Pluto chuckling.

It's breathtaking! She exclaimed, looking down at the garden below.

She suddenly remembered her garden back at the labyrinth and Brontos peacefully beneath the first tree planted by them. She felt heartbroken for leaving him even though he was no more...she always felt a piece of him lingered.

Chimera would love this.

"Chimera!" Medusa exclaimed spinning to face Plutus. "He wasn't around when we left.... we can't possibly leave him there." Her eyes became glassy.

Plutus scratched his head. "Well he could always come here... I guess I could fetch him later." Medusa smiled brightly and looked up into the sky. The feeling of the sun on her warmed her heart.

"Shall we talk more at the table. Seems Breakfast is ready." Medusa turned around to see a girl scurrying out of the room, her head bowed.

"Breakfast?" Medusa asked, her mouth salivating and the meagre memories of food before the labyrinth.

Medusa was lead to the courtyard to sit down at a marble table shaded by a magnificent Wisteria tree. She looked down, and for the first time in years, she felt her mouth water at the thought of eating proper food. Below her were pies, cakes and a variety of sliced fruit. The savoury pies were steaming, yet what drew Medusa's attention was a weird triangular slice she had never seen.

"What is this?" She asked looking down hesitantly.

"Try it." Plutus encouraged offering her one. Medusa took the odd-looking food and took a bite, her eyes shooting wide open.

"This is heavenly! What is this?" She asked him, before taking another bite. The snakes greedily joining in.

"Pizza," Plutus said smirking. "Delicious, no?"

" Amazing." Medusa agreed to grab another slice. Plutus looked at her with a smile. He was enjoying the company.

"Wait til' you try the pasta." Plutus looked back and signalled for someone. A young woman appeared, seemingly in her early twenties with a crown of golden hair.

"Merlia please bring out some tea and a can of soda." The girl nodded and excused herself, keeping her eyes cast downwards.

So that's her name Medusa thought.

" Does she know not to look at me?" Medusa asked. Plutus put down the pie he had bit into.

"Yes, you should probably avoid her gaze as well. She's not so much immortal as we are."

" Then why is she here?" Medusa asked, " Don't we scare her?"

"Scare her? Pfft... she's seen worse, she was determined to stay, even though I set her free."

Medusa looked at him confused. "Set her free?"

" She was being sold by her former master, her parents were slaves and they passed away when she was quite young. She won't say how but it was probably awful. Kyza needed money so he put her on the block. She was barely ten then."

Medusa looked down her heart went out to Merlia. Plutus looked up and met her gaze. "There may be a way for you to not turn people to stone, a temporary fix, think you'll like it nevertheless. "

Medusa finally perked up. "Really? Is it possible?"

" How about I give you a little present after we pick up Chimera then?"

Medusa unable to contain herself just grinned her fangs peeking out at the corners.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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