Chapter Seven

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Plutus looked down at the grave in silent contemplation.

It was crazy to feel something for someone so soon? He put his head in his hands, knowing that if he dared to like her the consequences would be catastrophic! But maybe...

He looked towards Brontos's grave "I suppose you have no advice for me either?" He asked with a chuckle, his head spinning with the conundrum he was facing.

He plucked a ripe mango from the tree and took a bite. He tasted the sweet juice coating his tongue and savored the feeling of it sliding down his throat.

" She sure is resourceful." He noted, wondering how the hell she had managed to plant trees here, especially one that bore such tasty fruit.

Medusa's garden had grown even more with the seeds from the new trees and she was never short. There was always an abundance of fruits and she hadn't had to cook a rat in a while. Though the snakes upon her head weren't too happy with fruits. They preferred the taste of flesh.

Plutus walked back to small shelter Medusa was slowly building. Even though they were underground. She wanted something more familiar.

When he got back he noticed Medusa was sleeping. Her tail tucked under a pelt and her eyes peacefully shut. He could see slivers of the girl she used to be and imagined how beautiful she may have been to entice Poseidon and cause such rage and jealousy from Athena, who was supposed to be the wiser.

Why was she even the goddess of wisdom and justice? Plutus pondered. He knew Artemis was hot-headed but what Athena had done to Medusa was everything the goddess was supposed to stand against!

It was at that moment that Plutus knew what he was going to do. He just hoped it would work out without anyone getting hurt. Perhaps Aura could help...

Laying down on his pelt he glanced at Chimera who was almost entirely asleep, well at least the goat head and lion head was sleeping, but the snake was up to no good. It looked toward the corner its tongue darting in and out, probably wishing for whatever was scurrying around in the shadows to come closer for a bite.

Sleep took Plutus instantly. Days went by and Medusa preferred to pretend that night hadn't happened and talk to him as such.

Medusa soon became comfortable again and keenly listened to Plutus's dragon stories, with not a clue who he really was.

A week and a half had passed and Plutus had gone to grab some water from the spring when he felt it.

It was like a current passed through him and he instantly knew. His eyes flashed red and he dashed toward the entrance, nothing on his mind except his destination.

Looking up he spread his arms, his form growing and morphing, diamond scales forming across his body, it gleamed in the sun as his wings grew larger and larger, spreading out and up toward the sky. All it took was him moving his wings once and flapping it for him to be propelled up into the air. He moved toward the opening of the dome and up into the sky.

He felt so free. Plutus didn't stop though, he kept going. Medusa watched from below, a crack running through her heart and cold spreading through her body.

He'd finally left...

She hung her head down, a silent tear running down her cheek as she watched him disappear. Chimera nudged his head against Medusas side, feeling the sadness that she exuded. Medusa looked down at Chimera and smiled, the smile was soft yet filled with dejection.

"Let's go, Chimera." Medusa ran a hair through Chimera's pelt and began walking towards home, "He's gone." She whispered.

Somewhere far from Erimos, Athena sat on her throne lazily, a book in her hand and boredom across her features.

"Do they even make anything good anymore?" Her golden hair bounced with her head. She glanced towards her handmaiden who mostly wore a look of blank-politeness.

"I'll find something more to your liking in that case." The servant bowed slightly and gathered the book from Athena. Her face showed annoyance as she turned away.

The twentieth century. So many books, yet so little to read.

Athena's lips turned up into a smile when she sensed his presence.

"Nice to see you with spare time on your hands."

"Nice to see that you're still Alive, Plutus." Athena looked up to see Plutus standing against a pillar, his arms folded.

" I'm here to claim the favor you owe me." He said grabbing Athena's attention. Athena put down the quill that she used out of habit to correct things as she read and grinned at Plutus. " In that case..." She said with gleaming eyes,

"what can I do for you?"

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