Chapter 1: The Driver

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Hi, I'm Alister. I never thought I would tell this story but, here it goes.


3 months Earlier

I began walking down the road, my hands full of grocery bags from the store filled with food for my family. I decided to take the bus home, it was getting dark and I didn't want to walk home not knowing what would happen to me... I sat down on the cold bench, a glass room with no door protecting me from the strong wind that filled the evening skies. I put the groceries beside me and covered myself with my jacket because I was shivering dangerously.

The bus lights came closer and closer to the stop, I got up, Grabbed my bags and stood by the bus sign. It was only a matter of minutes before the bus had pulled up, and once it did I hopped in quickly. I didn't have any bus funds because I had used it all on food for my family. I was planning on walking home until it got Cold and dark.

"Bus pass please" asked the driver.

"Oh I-I'm sorry I don't have a pass or funds... I used it all on food for m-" I got cut off by the driver.

"Then get off my damn bus!" He yelled.

"What you're just going to make me walk? Wow what kind of bus driver are you?" I was starting and argument and fighting for my life.

"Hell yeah I am, I'm not just going to let you in here for free! I need money!"

I mumbled under my breath

"You greedy bastard..."

Rage filled within him, I backed off almost falling out of the bus. He got out of his seat, his round stomach jiggled as he walked towards me. I could tell that he was lazy as f*ck! He put his arms out towards me and pushed me out of the bus.

"Well f*ck you too, a*shole!" I was now sitting on the sidewalk, with no groceries and no ride. He left me stranded on the streets. A 15 year old...just sitting in the sidewalk just because she didn't bring 3 dollars.

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