Chapter 9: A little Crush

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The next 4 days, I was in the hospital... Doing nothing except talking to myself. But, I did make a couple of friends. The doctors were so nice! I couldn't help but talk to them! On the fourth day at the hospital, the doctors offered me a hotel room or to stay in the hospital for a while but I said "No thanks, I'm fine! I'm trying to find my REAL mom!" The doctors had read the note before, so it wasn't new to them. They let me stand up for the first time in a while and it felt weird..Like REALLY weird. The male nurse held my hand to help me get up, all the other doctors smiling around me.

"Thank you." I said looking up at the male nurse.

"What can I say Alister, I need to do what I need to do. Which is my job being a male nurse." he laughed and so did the doctors around us. I grabbed onto the bed so I wouldn't lose balance. I took one step and nearly fell, but the next steps were amazing. They lead me out into the halls, were I would roam freely and wander a little. I skipped down the hallways in a short hospital gown, smiling and laughing. Then something caught my eye. it wasn't a was a someone. He walked up towards me and smiled, my heart melted. (Not literally, verbally.) He put his hand out to shake my hand, so I slowly lifted my hand and shook it lightly.

"Hey." He said, his words light and quiet.

"H-Hi.." I found myself stuttering in that response.

"My name is Sebastian, I'm a patient at this hospital. I have kind of a depression problem... why are you here?" he started walking down the empty hallways, then said "Follow me." his voice, like an angel and he was adorably attractive. I had no choice but to follow him, his charm caught my attention.

"I-I'm Alister, I'm a patient at this hospital also... I was almost b-beat to death by my 'Foster Parents'" I replied quietly a while after his question. He brought me to a gigantic room, with books and canvas all around it. He started speaking after we entered.

" I like to come here and think in peace and quiet. As you can tell, I've been here for quite some time now. Almost four months."

I whispered something that I shouldn't have whispered.

"'re so friggin sexy." Sebastian stared at me like I was some physcotic creep.

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