Chapter 10: Meeting Lucy

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After that long, awkward talk with Sebastian being...Hot.. I got over him after he told me he was gay. I love gay people but not in the crush way. Oh well, turns out that he wanted to be my best friend. I am Bisexual anyways, so I have no problem with gays. Otherwise, it would be like Hating myself. (Which has already happened...) I gave Sebastian a kiss on the cheek and said goodnight. I was tired and needed some sleep. After all, they were letting me go tomorrow. I started my way down the hall when a girl in the hall caught my eyes. She gave a blank stare to everyone she walked past, except me. She was beautiful, and I didn't think that I could take my eyes off her. She was wearing a grey beanie which read 'I am Surviving Cancer' and she wore the usual hospital dress. I covered my mouth as tears filled my eyes. She was so pretty yet, she had cancer. I stopped to talk to her, blushing as I did so. She stopped and looked at my face, studying bruises and scars. She reached out to touch my hair, and sighed.

" It must feel nice having hair.." she said, her voice saddens.

"I-it's not that nice...when you have to clean it everyday." I replied. I shouldn't have said that, it probably offended her.

"I-I'm Lucy." she stuttered.

"I'm Alister." I tried hard not to be shy. Lucy and I talked for a little until the nurses and Doctors told us to go back to our rooms. We said our goodbye's and left, but we couldn't look away from each other. I arrived at my room 2 minutes later, I sit on the hospital bed and thought of her. I finally laid down and fell asleep slowly, then all at once.

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