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Running though the dark bush, sweat and tears streaming down his face as he dodged past trees and ran over rocks. The skin under his feet tore off as he ran, the need for survival pushing him past his limit. A trail of blood following his every step, he knew that death was just around the corner.

He turned a tree and jumped over a ditch, but a quick glance behind his back confirmed his fears. Following instinct, he ran for the river, never missing a step, always maintaining a constant stride. Chills shivering down his spine as the howl of a wolf tore through the cold, dark night air.

The sound of foot falls behind him made the man run faster than before. But his pace began to slow down as the jagged rocks cut into muscle. His breathing became faster, heavier. No longer could he run, no more could he fight his sealed fate.

One last step, and he stumbled down onto the ground. The foot falls became louder, more distinct. Every passing second brought forth a sense of fright. A nightmare turned into a reality.

Three wolves surrounded him from all sides, each bering their clear white teeth at him. And just before he thought certain death was coming for him, he heard a man call out to them.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but the victory was short lived as his rescuer to be kicked him on the left side of his ribs with enough force that a couple of the bones shattered.

He turned himself over to see the attacker petting the three wolves before catching a glimpse of his eyes. Dark yellow, piercing, killing.

"I have been looking for you for a very long time," said the attacker in an intimidating voice.

"Who-Who the hell are you?" questioned the injured man as a hevy fog began to settle over them.

"Can't you remember?" mocked the attacker as a sickening sound of tearing muscle and snapping bone began to echo across the forest. "Perhaps now you might recognize me."

The injured man's eyes widened with fear at the sight of a large, black wolf towering over him. Long scars crossed his face and arms, claws the color of the night, fangs glinting in the moonlight. The black fur moved with the wind, tribal garments hooked to his left arm and tail.

A bullet wound on his lower left abdomen.

"I sh-shot you," said the shocked man. The three wolves immediately began to growl at him, but the large wolf calmed them.

"You and your humans took everything from me," replied the large wolf, hints of anger and rage in his voice.

"But you are all dea---" the injured man was cut short as he got tightly grasped by the neck, his ability to speak impaired.


The man got pulled up until his deep blue eyes met the dark yellow ones of the black wolf. With a snarl, he dug his claws into the neck and severed the wind pipe. Blood began to spill from the mouth and nostrils until the body became limp, dead weight.

The black wolf dropped the dead man onto the ground, and with a final glance at the dead body, turned to find his next victim.

The wolf shifted back into his human form, but just as they were about to leave from the kill site, a voice stopped them dead in their tracks.

"Who the hell are you?!" said the new comer towards the hooded figure. The three wolves turned and got themselves in a defensive position around their master.

The figure turned to see four wolves, just like his followers, all of them glaring down at him.

"That was our kill! You are trespassing on Alpha Raver's Territory. State your business!" exclaimed one of the wolves.

The hooded figure removed his hood, smilingg at the four wolves he calmly answered their questions. "I am a member of the former great Alikar tribe of Siberia. Lost during the great war against the Alikar, I and my wolves are the only surviving members. We seek to find the lesser tribes to coordinate revenge upon the humans. The man I just killed was part of the human force that destroyed my tribe's city."

"And your name?!" screamed the wolf as they began to walk towards the human and his three wolves.

"My name is Abraham."

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