First Sight

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Abraham awoke with a start, the room around him bright as day as the sun shone through the large windows around the wall. He looked over at the bed were the three wolves slept at each corner, each having kept a watchful eye over him as he slept.

Abraham smiled to himself as he stretched his limbs, the bone making a satisfying popping sound. He slowly shifted forwards and out of the room, the mansion silent as the night had been. Making his way down the marble staircase, it was not long before he once more met one of the pack members that had allowed him to stay for the night, Veng.

“What are you doing up so early?” asked Veng in an annoyed voice as Abraham entered the large, modern kitchen.

“Getting ready to leave this place and move on,” replied Abraham in the same tone of voice.

Veng tilted his head to the side before smiling. “I don’t think that’s going to happen.” Veng chuckled to himself at that statement.

Abraham looked back over at Veng, confusion building up in them. “Say what now?”

“I said you won’t be leaving pack territory for some time. Rouges attempted another move on the mansion; I am surprised you did not hear the rifles going off outside. The entire house was in full lockdown.”

“No wonder the wolves seemed restless when I woke up…”

Veng lifted an eyebrow before sitting down in a chair. “Mind telling me about those wolves? They seem different.”

Abraham looked back over at Veng as he recollected his memories. “I reached a little too far when helping the wolves take over their souls. They have gone back to their primal instincts, all thoughts of their human lives erased from their minds.”

“Creepy,” joked Veng as Abraham sat at a chair opposite of him. One of the wolves, Aargo, walked down the stairs and towards Abraham. He reached out a hand which quickly transformed into its wolf shape and slowly rubbed Aargo’s head.

Veng looked with curiosity. “How do you…”

“Like I said yesterday,” interrupted Abraham. “I am past the level of shifting than you or the rest of your pack.”

“One more question. If you came all the way from Siberia, how did you end up out here in Europe?

Abraham laughed at the question, but quickly became serious as he answered the question. “A lot of walking and killing.

A silence settled over the room as the two of them looked at each other in the eyes. Not one of them blinked as time passed.

Abraham shifted in his chair uncomfortably before beginning to get up from it. “We have to be going now,” said Abraham as he got up from the chair and turned to Aargo. “Aargo, var can kaplap.”

Aargo lowered his head and walked up the stairs as Abraham walked to the front porch of the house, but was stopped by Veng before he could leave the house.

“The rouges will be out there.”

“I am not afraid of some puppy dog with a rifle.”

Veng stepped in front of Abraham, blocking his way past the doorway to the exit of the house. “Strict orders from the Beta. You will not leave this house,” added Veng with a hiss.

Abraham let out a low growl as the three wolf followers joined in behind him, each one of them glaring at Veng with a hateful look. “Move away.”

“No,” replied Veng without fear.

Abraham shifted his hand and grabbed Veng by the collar of his shirt. “Move away!”

Veng kicked Abraham in the leg, causing Abraham to drop him. Abraham shifted into his wolf form and signaled for his wolves to attack Veng. Fang immediately jumped forward, but Abraham watched in surprise as Veng grabbed him by the legs and smashed him against the wall. Fang dropped to the floor in a heap, blood gushing from a wound caused by the impact of the hit.

Abraham looked over at Veng with rage. “Big mistake,” he said as he began to lunge at Veng, but was stopped by a net that wrapped itself around his feet, making him collapse to the floor.

Abraham could hear laughter coming in from behind him. He snarled at the voices as his hands got bound together and began to get dragged back into the house.

“Let me fucking go!” he screamed.

“I think we pissed off the wolf, Jack!”

Abraham let out a growl as his head got twisted to so that he could face Jack.

“You will regret this,” warned Abraham as Jack smiled back at him.

“Take him down to the basement. Let Vixen deal with him.”

Abraham heard everyone laugh just before he got hit in the back of the head.


The dimly lit room echoed with the drops of water and blood as Elia slowly walked up to her next victim.

“Verge of death,” she thought to herself as she got up to her next victim. “Who do they think I am?”

She got closer and took a good look at her victim. Deep yellow eyes stared directly at her Emerald green ones, as if asking for pity. His black hair was a mess, shuffled all over. Small amounts of blood dripped from the corner of his right ear.

“Ooh,” she thought to herself. “Such a shame you are rouge.”

As if reading her thoughts, Abraham looked up at her with a pitiful face. “Please,” he began in a weak voice. “I am not rouge.”

Vixen looked at his face once more, looking for a lie.

Grabbing hold of a small knife, she slowly cut it across the victim’s right outstretched arm. She heard his screams fill the room, echoing around the walls.

Her wolf asked for more.

Elia took the knife and slowly stabbed it into his right shoulder, driving it deep into his body, his screaming driving her on.

Elia took a second knife and stabbed it into the left arm, just below the wrist. Blood gushed from both wounds as the victim let out a pained howl.

Putting the now bloodied knives down, she carefully watched as her victim slowly turned into his wolf shape. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

His striking yellow eyes stared back at her with a sorrowful look. She looked away, yet her wolf wanted to keep on staring.

Elia got up from her chair and loosened the straps, letting Abraham fall to the ground. She watched as he painfully attempted to crawl away, his claws digging into the floor before his body finally gave up in exhaustion.

Elia shifted into her wolf and walked over towards her victim, his eyes still open, still staring with fear and regret.

She chuckled as she felt his muscles tense at the touch of her fur, but quickly relaxed as he found out that she was not an immediate threat.

“Why did you not kill me?” asked her victim with a pained voice.

“I was ordered not to,” she lied as she rested her head on his shoulder.


Abraham looked on at the golden/red wolf as she rested her head on his shoulder.

“Are you OK?” he asked in a confused voice as she closed her eyes.

“Never been better,” she replied in a calm voice.

Abraham closed his eyes as the time passed by, his wounds quickly healing until the pain had gone and the bleeding had stopped.

He quickly felt sleep overcome him, and soon enough he found himself gone from the world. The worries washed away from his mind.

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