The Tribe

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Abraham followed the Alikar wolf closely, behind him following three more of the wolves. They had not spoken in a while, the mansion long behind them by the time Abraham noticed a glow off in the distance. He had looked at each one of the wolves he was with, each clearly male, serious too.

"So much different from the others," he thought as they stopped just before the tree line. One of the wolves walked up to him, giving him a threatening glare. Abraham returned the glare at the wolf, watching carefully for the facial expression that the wolf made.

"Vra na mar," said the wolf to another one, which seemed older.

"Ver ma. Tor go mer," replied the other wolf. Abraham just looked at them with confusion.

The older of the wolves looked at him from up to down before nodding at Abraham with his head to follow him. The four wolves walked past the tree line, Abraham following close behind as he stepped out onto a clearing with eight different large huts, where among them walked Alikar wolves.

He looked around at the fires being made, the mates living with each other, the little pups running among the groups of people biting at their feet. They all looked at him, an obvious sheep amingst wolves. All he could do was look straight forward as three of the wolves spit off to be with their families as the fourth led him towards a large tent with two guards protecting the entrance. The wolf stopped short of the entrance, signaling with one hand to head on forwards.

As Abraham walked past, the wolf stopped him short and leaned forward. "Your mate is safe in the hands of Zynfar."

Abraham looked at the wolf and smiled. "Yes she is," he replied solemnly as he turned back. He straightened himself and stepped though the threshold and into a dark room lighted by a couple of candles. In the middle sat a single figure, its back facing him, and after a couple of seconds Abraham could tell that it was an Alikar wolf, his fur long and braided, black with hints of white along some areas. The tail swished back and forth, nearly hitting some candles that were lighted near the tail.

"I am sorry to hear about your mate," began the wolf. Abraham could tell by the voice that the wolf was aged.

Abraham blinked twice in shock. "How could you--."

"I know many things." intervened the wolf instantly, causing Abraham to take a step back. "The females here will treat you kindly. Feel free to make a choice."

Abraham blinked once more. He could not believe what he just heard. An open invitation to pick out any female from tribe. It was absurd for him. "That's a joke.... right?"

"Yes," replied the wolf as he got up from the floor. Abraham noticed that he stood at the same height as he was when transformed into his Alikar wolf. Seven feet, five inches.

"Good because I was ju--."

"I will pick out your mate," said the old wolf, once more intervening on what Abraham was about to say.

Abraham blinked again, looking at the old wolf in the eyes, trying to not laugh.

"Are you for real?" he said.

"Very, but those matters will have to wait for now," said the old wolf as he walked back inside the room, motioning for Abraham to follow. They both sat on the ground, staring at each other. Abraham's deep yellow eyes against the old wolf's dark brown ones.

"My name," began the old wolf, hints of excitement in his voice, "Is Trovenovsky. The wolves tend to call me the Elder. And I know you. Abraham, you were with the northern Alikar tribe of in Siberia. The large underground city that was obliterated. Am I right?"

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