Chapter 3: Webby

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So I've got some mischief In my blood. Can you blame me? I never got no love".





'I lingered round them, under that benign sky; watched the moths fluttering among the heath, and hare-bells; listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass; and wondered how any one could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth.'

Webby close the book with a delightful  relief. "Wow love is complicated, it made so much more sense in the grimms books"She said.

She stared out the window,

The land of the villains and villainies, then across the barrier a beautiful castle and beautiful people. She wondered why it had to be separated, why does there have to be divinity?

Oh what She'd give to live there instead of being trapped here with the same ol books, the same single television, in the same old bedroom, in the same old tower.

Her mother is very...'protective'

Webby wonders if her mother thought of her as a possession rather then a person. 

She tells her that She can't go outside because it's dangerous and there's too many risks such as: sunburn, wrinkles, sweat, people, people at all.

Webby guessed it was sweet but She always dreamed of adventure and romance! She just wished She could get her Mother to understand that...

"Webby dear!"Mother called.

"Yes mother?"

She walked in with her bats eek and squeak and (her personal favorite Archie the spider) "Darling I have great news for you!"

"What's that?"She asked, Archie climbed up on the bed and Webby picked him up lovingly.

"You're going to auraduck prep!"

"I am!? Are you serious?"She asked, so shocked and excited She almost dropped Archie.

"See for yourself"She said, she handed the pamphlet to her and Webby screamed as loud as I could!

"Don't scream dear, wrinkles"She pinched her cheek and got out her makeup bag. She added blush and blue eyeliner to her face and continued to speak:

"Bring all of this with you alright, I have a special assignment for you".

"What's that mom?"

"You need to get the prince to fall in love with you".

"The prince?!"She almost screamed again! but...then said: "Mother I always dreamed for love not money or wealth".

Morgana looked at her and smiled, she put her hand under Webbys chin "My dear stupid webigail. There's no such thing as love."

"But in the books I've read there-"

"Darling, those are nothing but fairytales, in fact you've been reading far too many of these silly things anyway. Nothing good ever becomes of dreamers."


" I won't discuss this further- I don't suppose you have any more to say either hmm?"

She sighed "Yes mother".

"Good. Get ready, you're leaving first thing tomorrow. I want you to look perfect!"

Webby sighed,

"So what if nothing good happens for dreamers"Webby asked herself, "I can imagine every good thing."

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