Chapter 5: Guilt and resentment

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"Look at you, look at me. I don't know who to be, mother.

Is it wrong? Is it right? Be a thief in the night, mother. Tell me what to do."





So the new students are more complicated then he thought. So what? They're still kids, they're still people just like him, everyone deserves a chance at a better life.

He sent Beakley, the headmistress to show the students to their rooms and got back to work.

So many documents to look over, so many rules to review, so many complaints to try and fix and justify, so much history to go through and learn...

He almost had a panic attack thinking about it.


He wished she wouldn't call him that.

"What do you need Audrey?"He asked.

"I came over to check on you!"She said, "you've been working really hard lately."

"There's a lot of work to be done"he said.

"Come on, you're not even king yet. Have some fun! Even Della had fun every now and then."

"Well I'm not Della."


"I'm sorry Audrey, I have a lot to do, I can't really take a break right now."

"Later then?"She asked.


"Have the new students arrived yet?"She asked.

"Yes, Beakley is taking care of them now."

"Good"She says.

She got closer to him and rested a hand on his, "I know it's not a popular opinion right now, but I think you're doing the right thing by them."

Huey looked up at her and she just smiled kindly, she was a better person then he was because he didn't smile. He didn't even acknowledge her, or return the compliment, only stared at her for a few seconds then returned to his studies, "thanks..."

She sadly smiled and quietly left the room.

Hours later:

"Huey? You've been studying for four hours. Are you alright?"a voice said.

Huey sighed, "I'm Fine, Uncle Donald."He wasn't even willing to talk to him right now.

"Huey? What are you doing?"Donald asked getting slightly annoyed.

"I'm studying the history of Auraduck"He said defensively.

"I mean- what are you avoiding?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean, you only do this when you're upset. You've been ignoring everyone, I thought this would stop when you had this new project."

"They're not a project. They're people. So far Beakley has agreed to watch them and when she needs me to intervene, I will."

"I'm not accusing you of anything"Donald said defensively, "I'm just trying to help."

Huey sighed and looked the other way, neither of them talked for a while until Donald broke the silence, "Huey, it's ok if you miss her."

He flinched at the word 'her', he shouldn't have, she was his mother...

But what kind of mother abandons her teenage son to run a country she never wanted in the first place? He never asked for this either, she of all people should understand that!

She was always unhappy with her life, chasing after the kids she lost...

He was never enough for her...


"Mom! Mom!"Little Huey ran to her and hugged her legs tight.

"Huey, not now ok? I'm busy."

"I made something for you"He said and held up his picture, he worked all day on it so it would be perfect, it didn't look great but he sure thought it did.

"Uh huh, that's really nice sweetie, why don't you show it to daisy? I'm sure she'll love it."

But she didn't even look at it... "ok."

That wasn't even the only time, she always brushed him aside, she was always too busy for him.

And now he's doing it to everyone else...

"I know it's hard without her here"Donald said.

Huey didn't want to be that way but, he doesn't know what else to do.

"Is it?"He asked.

"What?"Donald asked.

"I'm sorry"He says quickly regretting his choice of words. She was a good mother, and he knows she loved him and there's no question about it.

He shouldn't be disrespectful to her like this, she did everything she could do, even in her depressed condition. Maybe it wasn't Della, maybe he was the problem...

Yes, of course that's it. Della was perfect. Scrooge always said so. 

"You're right. I should get some rest, Goodnight Uncle Donald"He quickly dashed out of the room.


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