Pale White Iron

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      I looked down at the child I held in my arms. Couldn't call him a baby anymore, he was a toddler now, three years old. I rocked him back and forth on the white couch, lulling him back into a deep sleep.

     "Urmmph..." I looked up to see my beautiful wifeup, but she didn't seem too pleased. "What is it Emi?" I kept a low voice, hoping not to wake Elias. She looked at me, eyes half open and her hair was wild. For a moment she was silent, as if she was sleep walking. "Drink," she muttured. I set Elias down on the couch and pulled the blanket over him. It was nice to see our sweet child sleeping so soundly. Earlier, I found him up, staring at the wall of his bedroom. Which, of course was strange.

      I poured her a glass of tea, and handed it to her. "Thanks." She let out a smile before sipping the cold tea. Cold... like her skin. I sighed. It had been so long ago that we had first met, and so many years ago that Emi had our child. You would think we'd be stressed out, and aging faster, but we weren't. I was kind of glad too, other wise Emi and our child would've lived on, even after my death as a mortal. But Odin stood up to Frigga that night, and allowed our marriage, Emi's changing so that she was twenty-three, and making me into an immortal-mortal.

       "Did you sleep well my dear?" I watched her closely as she put down the cup and began tying her hair back. She was so cute. "Yes, I did. But, when your warmth left I woke up. I wasn't sure if you'd just gone to the bathroom, so I went back to sleep." She smiled again, her green eyes glowing as she had finally woke completely up. Those green eyes were still as vibrant as her, and always looked towards the future. "Well, there's nothing to worry about. I just found Elias up this morning, and just put him back to sleep." I smiled.

       "You know I love you, and I love Elias too." She cooed. All of the sudden my phone went off. Thank God it was on vibrate, otherwise Elias would be up for the rest of the day. "Hello?" It was Nick.

"What's up? Something wrong?"

"No, Tony, but I thought you'd like to come have a look at this."

"A look at what?"

"I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do with your family."

         Every muscle in my body tensed. It didn't sound like it was a safe thing to do with my family, and I refuse to let them get hurt. "I will be right over, where are you?" I looked at Emi, who stood there with a face begging for me to tell her what was going on. "Well, I'm kind of standing in the middle of a desert here in New Mexico." The both of us said our goodbye, and I hung up. "Damnit! Why does everything have to be in damn New Mexico?" I muttured.

           "What is it T?" I walked in the room, with Emi tailing behind as I put together a set of clothes for Elias and handed them to her. "Roadtrip." I spoke through my teeth, trying hard to ignore that thought in the back of my head. It had been haunting me ever since our child was born, and it has never once went away. "I'm getting my suit on, and you should too." I swear, if this was some sort of joke, I was going to kill him.

            "Okay, I'm not quite sure I want to know what's going on now." I turned and looked at her, then back down at Elias who slept so soundly as if he hadn't heard a thing. "No, you don't. Just get ready because we're leaving to meet Nick in New Mexico, now.

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