Chapter Eight: You can't hide from me (Emi's POV)

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                I peeked into Elias’ room, hoping that both he and his father were in there. Too bad I was wrong. I hadn’t seen the both of them since they’d gone off onto the roof last night. Now I was beginning to worry. It wasn’t like Elias to disappear with his father like that. Unless of course I missed a note they might have left me?

                I walked down the hallway and knocked on Clint’s door, hoping that maybe he would know where they’ve been. “I’m coming!” A female’s tired voice came through the door a moment before it was opened. She poked her head out and smiled. “Good morning miss Emi!” She now stood up and opened the door completely. “Does Clint know anything about where my husband and son have gone?” I asked, hoping that maybe she knew something herself. “Mm, no, but I do remember Clint getting out of bed late last night. I haven’t seen him since then, why?”

                “Oh nothing, I just can’t find the two. I haven’t seen either one of them since last night either.” I frowned slightly. “Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t know… But maybe Nick knows something? I remember hearing him and Clint talking last night as they passed by the door.” She smiled slightly and I gave her a hug. “Thanks, Jean.” I smiled politely as I walked off and down the hallway. The moment she shut the door, my smile faded and became an angered frown. What the hell was Nick up to? Whenever he was involved in something, it was never good. And the last thing I needed was my two warm boys going off and getting themselves hurt again. It is bad enough we let Annabelle stay with Steve, and Maggie and Al runaway. Oh yes, I knew about that. My own son’s thoughts were loud when he thought about the two of them last night.

                It felt like forever as I waited for the elevator. I’m going to kill Nick as soon as I get down there. Hopefully, I’ll pick up on either Tony, or Eli’s thoughts, considering how loud they can be sometimes. But of course, that’s when they’re not trying to hide something from me. I pressed the button to take me all the way down. I bet they were all down in the labs that were underneath the towers. Let’s just hope that Bruce isn’t in on this too.

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