Chapter Seven: Shut up (Clint's POV)

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Chapter Seven (Clint’s POV)

                I sat in Nick’s office, trying so hard not to fall asleep in his seat. “Well, I finally got the both of them to stop laughing long enough for them to sit outside in the hallway.” Nick sighed as he walked through the door. “What did you do, tie them both to chairs and tie the chairs to the ground?” I asked, wondering how he’d done so if he had. “Yes, but I didn’t do it alone. Banner’s out there watching the both of them right now.” He waved at the door and then sat on the floor, leaning his head against the door for a moment.

                He looked worn out. I don’t think I’d ever seen him look that way either. He was tired and stressed and yes, worn out. That wasn’t normal for him. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the cold desk. It was almost two in the morning, and it was finally quiet. There was no laughing, and no disturbances here to keep the both of us awake. Maybe we would be able to actually catch some sleep for once. “You know,” Nick spoke in a low voice on the other side of the room and I had to lift my head to hear him. “I’m surprised that neither of them blacked out and that neither of them has blood alcohol poisoning.” I sighed. That wasn’t exactly something that had passed my mind before now.

                We needed to get the both of them to drink some water and hopefully flush that crap out of their systems. Which, of course, that was something we should have done before bringing them down here. I leaned my head back down on the desk again. Just let them have a hangover. I don’t really care at this point. They’re not dead, and they’re not making any noise right now. Let this peace be for the next few hours at least.

                Finally, I was beginning to drift off into sleep.  I was going to miss sleeping back up in my bed with Jean, but I just didn’t care. I was finally getting some much needed sleep. Then all of the sudden, I heard that inevitably painful noise. The sound of drunken laughter bellowing from outside, and I lifted my head back up. “I’m going to kill them, Barton. That is if you don’t kill them first.” Nick opened his eyes and turned his head slightly to the side as if annoyed. “Can’t we just have the Hulk bash their heads together and knock them both unconscious?” I asked. That was my last hope for the night. That Bruce would turn into the other him and shut the both of them up for the rest of the night. Maybe then, the three of us could get some sleep.

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