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                Laufey had come and taken Annabelle back to Juttenheim. He nearly destroyed Bruce and almost gave Loki a heart attack as he had seen the arrival of our father. But we all went after the both of them, catching the presence of Makall as well.

                While there, Tony almost went mad, having helped find Annabelle and handle the issue, he went off and disappeared for a week. I refused to go anywhere without him, and Thor and Natasha stayed behind with me in Juttenheim. Of course, Al and Maggie slept most of the time. I was glad to have had one of my brothers beside me, making sure that I wouldn’t fall apart at the seams. But to make matters worse, something felt like it began eating at me. I was feeling weak and sick. Oh, Odin, I hurt everywhere in some moments, having to sit down and stop moving around as much for a while. This of course, had been hard for me, because I did not like sitting still one bit.

                Then it got worse, and Thor had made the decision that we were all five to go back to Earth. There, he was sure I could be nurtured back to health. My poor brother could not bear to see me in as much pain as I had been in, and so we prepared to leave our small encampment that had been on foreign ground. And I was promised that we would come back in search for Tony, when I was healthy again. Luckily, Tony had finally come back just moments before we were to travel back home to Earth. And from there, things had only gotten stranger.

                It had been a month, and it still had felt as if I were dying. Natasha suggested that I be taken to a doctor, in which case, I had been. There, things became strange, and even a little unclear. I was bearing another child. For days we wept, and I longed for the support of Thor and Loki. But Thor had already been back to Asgard with his children, and only Odin knows where Loki was. I couldn’t have another child, it was too much to handle; losing one and then almost immediately finding out that we were going to have another one. Once, I even remembered crying for Quill to come and take it, or for him or father to come and kill me and to get it over with. Elias had been our child and no other could replace, or fill this new void in our hearts, and might only make things worse between the two of us.

                However, three months have passed in total now, and here we are. The both of us are now caring for a little girl, who is only somewhat like her brother. She has black hair and green eyes, and the palest skin that I have ever seen. But she is also warm, and does not cry… just like Elias was. Our little girl had caused me so much pain because of her own unique quality, which had meant that she had grown at a rapid rate. That’s why I had been sick, and that had been why I was weak and bent over with pain half of the time. But it was all worth it. Now we have a child, who grows rapidly, faster than the average child, and Odin says that she will be growing into a teenager in no time, and would soon enough be a changeling all her own.

                “Hey,” Tony whispered softly as he kissed my forehead lightly, and brushed the hair out of my face. I smiled, and then looked back down at the child that I rocked on the couch. She would be so beautiful one day. “I’m sorry for ever allowing Quill to have caused so much damage… I should’ve killed him in the first place…” I flashed him a look. There was no way in hell we were going to mess up with this child. She had to be perfect and happy and loved. There was no way we could possibly allow Quill to invade our lives again. Especially not with her now involved. “Then next time, we’ll both kill him.” I smiled teasingly, knowing that he would want to be the stubborn one and be heroic again.

                He laughed a little and then I passed over our little girl to his arms. Sometimes, I’m actually surprised that such a strong, bullheaded man would be capable of such tenderness, and would even care about having a family of his own. But he rocked her on his own, and smiled at her. Oh no, this child would not have such a harsh life. Her life would be perfect. “Our little Krysa Ana Stark.” He whispered softly at her and I saw a loving father. One that Elias never knew that he had. “You’re going to be perfect… and I won’t let anyone, harm my child ever again.”…

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