I promise I'll never stop

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When me and Dewey arrived at the ruins almost three and a half hours later thanks to Dewey, he's so cute when he gets directions wrong, anyways back on topic, we got there and well, we found a lot of stuff but not what we expected.  I made a promise t I knew I could keep.


Webby: "Ok next time you let me be in charge of the map." Dewey: "But we made it!" Webby: "Yeah, three and a half hours later!" Dewey: "Ok but look on the bright side, we're here, yay!" Webby: "Ok, so what tunnel should we go through?" *Webby points to three tunnels randomly sitting at the entrance of "The Temple Of Forbidden Fortune" (that's what I'm calling it) Dewey: "Icky Pickey Ponkey." Webby: "Dewey we are responsible, mature, explorers not babies. Now, let's settle this with a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors." (😂) Dewey: "Ok I pick middle" Webby: "Ah man! You took my tunnel idea! Dewey: "I guess best friends think alike" *Or soulmates* Webby: *giggles* "Yeah" *I guess soulmates think alike* Dewey: "Well let's go solve the greatest mystery of our lives!" Webby: "To ADVENTURE!!!" (Webby and Dewey go through the tunnel and find the thing that Webby loves) Webby: "SECRET PASSAGEWAY!!!" *sqeals* Dewey: *pokes* "Webby nooooo!! Ah man she's lost in her joy overload." *She's so cute when she gets lost in her little joy overloads* (two minuets later) Webby: "I'm back! Now let's go through the Secret Passageway!" Dewey: "Ok but if we find a secret double bunker room inside the secret passageway with my mom's secrets then you can't die of a joy heart attack!" Webby: "Oh Dewey, we both know I can't keep that any promises." Dewey: "Can we make one promise?" Webby: "What?" Dewey: *Holds Webby's hands* "Promise that no matter if we find out what the truth or not, do you promise that we will be best friends forever" Webby: *tears up*  "Of course Dewey. I lo- no not yet, I love our friendship and I will always treasure it no matter what. And I promise no matter what happens I will never stop." Dewey: *Hugs Webby* "Now lets go"

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