Chapter 3

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It was an hour after Loki's tearful breakdown, he was seated, or stationed, in a makeshift cell.

It couldn't hold him.

They all know it, but of course, he plays along.

The young god also learned that this half of the new Avengers is a secret. The Secret Avengers, they call themselves.

Creative, no?

His face hurt.

He had a headache and his cheeks were hot, among other post-crying symptoms.

But most of all, he felt foolish.

Loki has allowed himself to come undone in front of his enemies, he allowed them to see him at his weakest, his most vulnerable.

They spoke nothing of it.

How generous.

However, Loki did notice that the darling Captain seemed to have been more cautious around him. Not out a fear, but out of pity.

He hates him for it.

A knock.

He looks up with his sore, puffy eyes.

The Captain. Again.

Rogers checked on him periodically, maybe to see if he stayed put, or maybe because he felt bad.

Norns how Loki wished it wasn't the latter.

"We need to talk."

Haven't they already? Well, perhaps Loki was a bit hysterical the first time around.

A refresher wouldn't hurt.

The more clearly they understand, the easier it'll be to convince them. Especially Rogers.


The Secret Avengers gathered around him, ready to hear his tales of woe.

Though, there was a distinct lack of a certain archer.


Of course.

It would be foolish to expect Hawkeye to attend this meeting all things considered.


This made him anxious.

So Loki explained.

Explained how his childhood was incinerated right before his eyes for the greater good. How more than half of his people had been slaughtered by his long lost sister. How they have nowhere to go.

Everything they have ever known, turned to ash.




He could see it in the Captain's eyes, the story was stirring up something deep and repressed within him.

Though his face was impassive, his eyes spoke a thousand words.





Rogers felt for his people.

That was good.

Loki might be able to pull this off.

If not by regrouping the Avengers, then however the Captain felt fit.

Was being vulnerable useful?

Could Loki use his feelings to his advantage?

It's been so long since he's let his walls down, he's forgotten what it's like to have people react to his pain.

Choices With ConsequencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora