Chapter 4

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A warm tingle enveloped Loki's body and presumably the soldiers' as well. There was a soft, distant buzzing floating around their heads, repetitive and vaguely comforting. As soon as it all started, it ceased.

Now they were standing in a great open field, a few miles of pure nature. Grass, flowers, weeds, bugs and other field pests. Loki was never an outdoorsy person, he preferred to stay inside, but now he was forced to live outside. Lovely.

The vast greenery was crudely interrupted by a hideously large ship parked right in the middle of the field, surrounded by destitute women, children, and men. Once Gods, now reduced to nothing more than beggarly outcasts.

"There it is. New Asgard." He paused, letting go of the soldiers and taking a few steps forward before turning back to them. "I'll take you to my brother, the King. Come."

They followed after closely, whether out of uncertainty of the new surroundings or simply due to their distrust of Loki. More likely the latter.

The trio didn't make it very far before Thor had come into view. Marching along cheerily, arms spread out in an inviting manner. He had most likely been notified of their arrival by Heimdall, so it was no wonder he had seemed to expect their arrival.

"Brother! You did it! I always trusted you." A bold-faced lie.

He enveloped the Captain in a tight hug, leaving both James and Loki standing awkwardly. Soon after Steven was released Loki took his place.

Hm. Embarrassing!

He patted his brother's back twice and let his arms drop to his sides, clearly showing discomfort in the public display of affection. Generously, he was let go.

The smile on Thor's face could rival the brightness and warmth of the sun. He was as radiant as he could possibly be, Loki felt a swell of pride bubble within. It felt oddly good to appease his brother.

Hm. Gross!

James only allowed a firm forearm shake, but it was evident that Thor would have liked to also give him a hug. Loki rolled his eyes.

"Shall we conference?" The young prince wanted this to happen as fast possible, he wanted to do good by his people. The quicker that happened the better off everyone would be.

"Of course, brother! Come, friends! Let us speak in the ship, it will grant us some privacy." Thor whipped around while gesturing for the group to follow him.

This had better work.


There weren't many places to sit in the ship. In fact there was only one place to sit, not including the floor.

Speaking of the floor, that was precisely where they had situated themselves. Gathered around in a circle. The Valkyrie and Heimdall had joined the group as well.

This was all very reminiscent of Loki's childhood, sitting on the gold flooring of the palace, but instead of talking politics he had been practicing spells. Sometimes Skurge or Amora had joined him, Skurge couldn't cast spells, but they enraptured him.

Loki managed to repress a small smiling forming his lips at the memory. No time for nostalgia, he had to be focused on the present.

"So... The Avengers need to regroup for this to have any genuine political influence. Problem is, if I see Stark I may make his head go spinnin'. We're not exactly on good terms you know."

Loki had never pegged Rogers to be the kind of man to hold a grudge, then again, he is a soldier.

"It's this whole mess about what The Avengers stand for and I just can't agree to disagree with him, Thor. He's an abercrombie jackass, no way can I put up with that."

Abercrombie? What year is this?

"Nobody is saying this has to be a permanent development! We can band together long enough to make our case, do all of the court... stuff..." Thor trails off, not actually knowing what this plan entails.

"And then after we get the 'okay' from the Norwegian government, we never have to see each other again." He sounded, almost relieved by that.

Loki was under the assumption that The Avengers were Thor's friends, perhaps that had changed during the five years Loki was impersonating Odin.

"It's not that easy, Thor. This could take years, besides what if they try to make me sign the Accords. I can't do that, those papers go against everything I believe in." Rogers was stern, yet apologetic.

As eager as he seemed to be earlier, Steven sure argues his excuses a lot. If he cares about saving people so dearly, why does he give so many excuses as to why he can't?

They began talking over each other. Voices growing louder in an attempt to be heard and to silence the other. Heimdall was trying to keep peace, Valkyrie wisely kept out of it.

Loki however was having a horrid time. Too many voices were happening at once. They were too loud. Too loud. Too loud.

"Too loud!" He cried.

The young prince held his hands over his ears as his face scrubbed up in pain. Too loud! Too loud!

He wanted the voices to stop.

Thor stopped, worry taking over his anger and frustration. Loki was being overstimulated, and he was partly to blame. He felt guilty.

Immediately taking the role of a proper big brother, he silently helped Loki out of the ship and into a quiet portion of the camp.

Leaving behind two confused soldiers,an equally confused Valkyrie, and Heimdall.


Thor and Loki were alone in an open field, away from the chattering camp and yelling soldiers.

It took awhile for Loki to regain his composure, but when he did he was embarrassed.

"I apologize for my behavior, I shouldn't have made a scene." His eyes were downcast and his fingers twiddled together nervously.

"You apologize? Loki, there is nothing for you to apologize for. I should be the one apologizing! I know how loud voices affect you and yet I ignored you in favor of joining a pointless argument." Guilt was written all over his face, Thor clearly felt bad for his negligence to remember Loki's sensory problems.

Yet Loki didn't believe his guilt was necessary.

He sighed.

"Could I go rest? I'm suddenly very drained." Partly true. He mostly just didn't wish to face everybody after his meltdown.

"Of course. Come find me whenever you're ready to rejoin the conversation."

Loki hates this.


Bucky was confused. Like, super confused.

"Uh, what just happened?" He pointed lazily over his shoulder, in the general direction Thor had rushed off with his brother.

"Beats me, Buck. Maybe he was feelin' murder-y."

They both chuckled, but were soon interrupted by a sharp 'ahem.'

The soldiers turned to look at a displeased Heimdall.

"Loki displeases loud voices," He arched an eyebrow disapprovingly, "and regardless of his past actions, he is still my prince and it is my duty to protect and defend the crown. I would recommend keeping your jests and jabs private."

Steve and Bucky shared quick glances with each other, knowing there was something deeper to Loki's outburst, yet still being kept in the dark about its nature.


Bucky was a spy, he could easily find out what's up with Little Prince Cries A Lot. It's tempting.

Very tempting...

Steven shot him another look, shutting down his plans. Or so he tried. Rogers was never very good at tellin' people what they can and can't do, no matter how hard he tried.

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