Chapter 7

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Once again, Bucky was pacing frantically. They were screwed— so fucking screwed. How was he supposed to defend Loki while also keeping rabid Avengers at bay? He's not cut out for this...

"James?" Loki inquired.

Bucky didn't register his voice, though, he was too busy freaking out.

Loki tried a more direct approach by walking over and planting himself in front of the soldier.

When Bucky noticed the other he jumped— and maybe yelped, but that's depending on who you ask. (If you ask Bucky, he didn't)

Loki tenderly gripped Barnes' shoulders, attempting to steady him and keep him in the moment— though he wasn't sure how well it was working.

To Loki's surprise, Bucky turned the shoulder grip into a tight hug. This was... odd... for Loki. He wasn't used to being hugged. Normally the only person dumb enough to get this close to Loki was his brother. So this was... new.

Cautiously, he returned the hug.

"Um— I just wanted to say that, um, instead of pacing maybe we should come up with a plan?" He stayed in the hug, regardless of how awkward he felt, "For example, I could hide while you explain the situation? So to avoid confrontation."

Bucky pushed Loki away, still keeping his hands on the other, "Oh my god that might actually work—"

Sooner than Loki would have liked— he was being shoved into a room within the ship. He would have preferred to have continued speaking with Barnes, but apparently that wasn't in his agenda.

A little while later— about an hour or so— Thor and the Secret Avengers returned. Steve's eyes landed on Bucky suspiciously.

"What's going on? Why are you just standing there?" he walked over to his friend, cautiously glancing around, looking for something— someone.

"I'm not telling you guys anything until you listen to what I have to say," Bucky backed away from the others, from Steve.

The group stared at him, some glaring and the others just plain confused. Shouldn't Bucky want Loki to be punished? Why was he acting this way?

"Buck, stop protecting him," Steve walked towards him again, but was once again twarted.

He groaned loudly, "Fuck it— fine! State your case."

They were all glaring at each other now, waiting for someone to fuck up so they could pounce. Funny how one problem can divide their team so easily.

"Loki attacked us, yes, but he was doing it in self defense—" Steve tried to interject, but Bucky spoke louder over him, "He thought we were lying to him— thought that we had alerted troops to take him out and that we were just biding our time."

From the back of the group, Clint rolled his eyes, "So? That just excuses his literal murder attempt?"

He understands why Clint hates Loki so much, he understands the best out of everyone here— but that's not what he said and Bucky Barnes does not like having words put in his words.

"Of course it doesn't! But what it does do is put his actions in a new perspective," he took a deep breath in before saying, "I know damn well that every single one of you has wrongfully lashed out because you were scared or misinformed— it happens!"

Nobody made eye contact with Bucky after that statement— knowing that he's right, but being too embarrassed to admit it.

Bucky continued nonetheless, "Of course he should be punished— he tried to kill us after all— but he should be given a chance to right his wrongs and be better! Isn't that you guys let me do?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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