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Yoongi sat bored in the tall stone chair that sat perched outside. He drummed his fingers against the arm rest as he sighed. He stared around at their little collection of petrified people that were scattered around their garden like entrance.

Yoongi looked around at the different statues, there had to be over 100. Most of them, however, were his mothers work. He had only frozen maybe ten people at most.

But either way, he sat in the stone chair, watching as the day guard like he's supposed to. But he thought it was pointless, sitting there for so many hours when it's rare to find someone even walking around their palace.

And when it couldn't get any worse for Yoongi, he was stuck with 15 different snakes that were stuck on his scalp instead of normal hair.

You would think it's cool, having snake hair and being able to turn people to stone and petrify them, but it's not. Having to constantly listen to their bickering and nonsense and having to feel them slither and coil around 24/7 while they're sitting on your head isn't cool or fun. It was a pain in the ass.

But either way, he was stuck with it. So it was better to deal with it rather than complain about it. There were some benefits to it however.

He could hear things better, and he could easily sneak around. He could also speak parseltongue and could communicate to them by thinking. But other than that, there was nothing good about being a gorgon.

He sighed as he crossed his arms and sat back in the chair, he closed his eyes.

"This is so boring" he spoke out loud.

"Master" The snakes started to say

"Shut up I don't wanna hear any of you annoying things" yoongi snapped to them in parseltongue.

"Master we hear something" They told him.
Yoongi sighed,

"Are you sure? Or is this gonna be like that rabbit that was passing by that one time? Or like that deer?" Yoongi said annoyed

"Master, just deal with them. We swear it's someone!" They pestered

"Fine, just shut up already" Yoongi said as he sat up in the chair, and waited for whoever his snakes said was coming. That's when he heard it,
Faint footsteps coming closer.

He got excited, he could finally put his part into the collection. His mother could be proud of him.

Then he watched as a short male stumbled around the corner, wearing black glasses. Most likely blacked out. He wore black jeans and a grey t shirt that was tucked into his jeans. Yoongi focused a bit more on his face, he noticed how thick and full his lips were. He also noticed his hair, which was a silvery color that faintly glowed. He was an immortal.

Yoongi loves his immortal victims the most. They seem so powerful, like they can do anything and not face the consequences of death. But Yoongi has the power to change that, he had the power to take everything away from them with just a glance. And he loved that he had the power to do it. Or at least that's what his mother taught him.

Yoongi paid attention to how the smaller boy stumbled around, obvious that he couldn't see. It was something new that Yoongi saw, he'd always seen blindfolds but never blacked out glasses.

"I-I know you're there" The boy suddenly spoke out. Yoongi stayed quiet for a bit longer before he decided to respond,

"Are you lost?" He asked

"Kinda..." The boy said as he stopped moving around and stood still, obviously uncomfortable and scared. Yoongi stood up and walked towards the smaller boy, stopping a good distance from him.

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