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Yoongi woke up to soft crinkling sounds. He slowly cracked his eyes open and looked around at his surroundings. He remembered what had happened the day before and sat there recalling everything.

He remembered how him and Jimin were talking for hours together. He then remembered how they were both laying down on the bed together when Yoongi fell asleep. Yoongi felt bad that he fell asleep while talking to Jimin, but they had been talking for hours and it was getting late. Jimins voice was also soothing and calming.

Yoongi looked around at everything, he was in his hide out. He looked out the open window and saw it was raining outside, which is what he woke up to. He looked around and saw Jimin wasn't around anywhere. As he sat up he groaned as his snakes slithered around into a comfortable place.

Whenever he slept the snakes would have to stay still and not move, which sometimes made them sleep in a weird position. So when he woke up and they recoiled, it would hurt. It felt as if your arm fell asleep but you had to move your arm around in weird ways. It wasn't pleasant.

"Are you done yet?" Yoongi spoke to his snakes, his parseltongue coming out in a deep hiss from his morning voice.

"Almost, be patient master" the snakes said sounding irritated.

"I'm fine with waiting, I was just asking" Yoongi said as he crossed his arms and tried to wait for the snakes to finish. After they were done, they sat still on yoongi's head.

"Do you know if Jimin left?" Yoongi asked

"A little after you fell asleep he got up and left" they told Yoongi

"Interesting, he's able to find his way back home on his own with no vision" Yoongi said to himself.

"We need to go back home, the boss is gonna be mad" the snakes told Yoongi.

"Yeah that'd be smart" Yoongi said as he stood up and stretched. He fixed the sheets on his bed and looked around to make sure everything was okay. He then started his way back home, using the umbrella he had. His snakes hated getting wet.

When he got there he walked up to the stone chair his mother sat in, waiting for Yoongi to arrive.

"And where have you been?" Medusa asked

"I was out" Yoongi replied, not wanting to tell her that he hung out with an immortal.

"I was out, that's all you have to say for yourself!?" She yelled at him

"Well, yes, I was just out" Yoongi said blankly. Medusa glared at Yoongi.

"What was he doing?" Medusa asked the snakes perched on yoongi's head. Yoongi closed his eyes, he thought to them.

"Please don't tell her, I'll do anything. Just please, don't tell her" Yoongi pleaded with them.

"Boss, Yoongi just went out for a walk and found a small place to lay at. He lost track of time and fell asleep" the snakes said after a long pause of silence. Medusa huffed as she looked to the snakes, almost as if she wanted something to have happened.

"Okay, fine. But you have to make up for what you missed." Medusa said as she stood up and stretched, "I've been here all night and I need to sleep" she said as she walked off.

"Okay" Yoongi grumbled ad he walked up to the chair and sat down. He sighed, already feeling bored. Then he got an idea, he quickly walked to his room and grabbed some paper and pencils. He walked back to the chair and began to draw.

MEDUSA'S SON • YOONMINWhere stories live. Discover now