Chapter Seven

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Sewer Runners

Blaire POV
It was day 4 of us being trapped in that same spot and we were also without food, but with water, it was actually killing us, even killing us more when we knew that we would die of starvation, Dylan and I were on the balcony watching the walkers,”We’re never gonna get out of here are we?” He asked me and I shrugged,”There’s always a loophole in every situation”
“What if this isn’t one of them? The walker population has increased like baby boom, that’s how bad it’s gotten since 2019, Cayden walked over,”I’m starving”
“Who isn’t? This is getting massive by the day”
“We need to find a way out of here” We agreed with him,”We’ll have to go underground” I suggested and he looked at me confused,”I’m sorry what?”
“You heard me, it’s too dangerous to go out there, we need to search down there to look for an entrance” He scoffed and groaned,”Have we really sunk down to that level?” Then Dylan defended my plan by asking him a question,”Got any better ideas?”
“Then let’s get the others moving and find a way down” He walked away to go tell them, I laid my head down, he rubbed my back,”I don’t like that plan” I said to him,”But it’s the only plan we have right now” I nodded as I looked at him, he pecked my cheek and put his arms around me,”Can’t believe we have come to this” I held back my tears wondering about Marilyn, Fynn, Michelle, Cameron and Savannah, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I held his hand,”We’re gonna get out of here”
“I know, I know….” I turned around and we looked into each other’s eyes, he leaned in and I let him, we kissed for a couple seconds and we pulled away,”We’ll get through this, we didn’t come this far to give up now” I agreed with him and a couple minutes later, we got down from the balcony and the others were looking for a way down,”Any luck?” Pete shook his head,”Nada, Sky’s calmed down”
“I’m still holding onto it, but don’t know how long” He nodded,”Understandable” Skylar gave me that look and snapped her eyes at me,”She’ll understand why you took her gun away eventually Blaire, you’re not the bad guy here” Pete said to me and I looked over at him,“No one here is, we’re all wanting one thing here and that is survival”
“We’re gonna have to go outside” Arwen said to us and we sighed in a way that wasn’t very comforting,”We all need to cover each other” Skylar came walking asking for her gun back,”We’re going back out there, I’m gonna need it”
“No, not yet, anyways your gun isn't silent, it’ll attract more attention” She pulled out her knives and spears,”Okay…” We all got out there, there already instant kills for walkers, they all had to stun and kill them in the head,”There’s an entrance here”’ Patrick and Nolan lifted the lid,”Let’s go, got the map?” Sam pulled it out of his hand,”Cloth, lighter set for foxfire?” Arwen nodded,”Got em, let’s go” Samwise and Arwen went down there first, Tawnin, Gwen, Javier, Chloe, Skylar, Pete, Nolan, and Patrick,”Blaire go”
“I said go, I’m right behind you” I nodded and went down there, by the time I got there, the foxfire was set.

Dylan landed on his feet and the lid was closed,”Map set?” Arwen brought it to us,”Okay, here we go” We all had our guns set, there were noises echoing from the tunnels, screams and snarls,”We’re good”
“That scream sounded very reassuring” Sam said to us,”We just need to keep moving and don’t drop the map” I said to Arwen and we weren’t far from avoiding the crowd,”Can’t believe we had to go under”
“Better than being ripped apart by them up there” Gwen said to Javier,”Okay, I’ll have to agree with you on that” Javier smirked and we kept walking,”Any clue where we’re going?” Nolan asked Arwen as she was still looking at the map,”We go there….”
“How about we follow the noises?” Gwen suggested then Pete turned around at her,“What? What do you mean by that?”
“Think about, we follow the noises but still go into a place that we plan on going, but once we stop hearing the noises, that’s where we’re safe” Dylan thought about it for a second,”She’s right, we follow the noise and once we don’t hear them, we’re in the clear” So it was settled, we were gonna rely on sound and on the map as well

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