Chapter Twenty-Three

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Village of The Damned

Michelle POV
We loaded up the next morning and we loaded everyone back up hoping that we are getting closer each day and my child can finally run around with other children with Sarah and Trey, Emery decided to ride with them and Andrea didn’t mind, so it was only Taryn, Gwen and I driving the mail truck,”How close are we?” Taryn was looking at the map,”It’ll be a 4 or more hours” I sighed,”Oh god, okay, if Andrea can do it, then we’ll go all the way” I rubbed the bridge of my nose and was about to close my eyes, but I also knew that I needed to keep driving, Taryn rubbed my shoulder,”How about I drive for you? You’ve driven us since San Francisco”
“That’d be sweet, thank you”

Dylan POV
We were in the back again guarding the supplies with Cayden, Finley and Miranda, I rested my head on Blaire’s shoulder, everyone is tired even more at this point from all this traveling and I couldn’t pick up my pen or pencil to write, I held hands with Blaire, it was around noon, the sun was shining very bright, it was actually very cloudy as a matter of fact, just when I closed my eyes, then a sudden stop, Michelle came back, “Miranda, you’re up there, I’m back with you guys” Miranda nodded and got out of the back to ride with Taryn and Gwen, she sighed in relaxation,”This is about as close as we can get to paradise, so much for Sunny Cancun in my 10-year plan” Cayden smiled lightly,”You’ll get there and along with Taryn and Emery”
“Thank you” We pulled into a village then a sudden gunshot woke me up and we got up, the truck tipped over. We got up and the cages were moving, the tipping wasn’t going to hold then a snap, the cages fell

Taryn POV
“Shit!” I tried to take control of the wheel then my wrist went out of place, we held on and the Raiders were coming at us, we got out of the windshield when we popped it open and we started shooting at them out of defense, I called out to Michelle,”Michelle!” I started panting and ran to the end,”Michelle!” I looked in the back, the cages were out of place, Michelle was a bloody forehead, Cayden groaned as he got up, Finley was slowly waking up with a headache that he mentioned he had when he came around, Blaire crawled, Dylan started limping,”Are you guys okay?”
“We’re more worried about Michelle, she isn’t breathing” My heart dropped, I put my weapon down and I said to Blaire,”Hold her head up, now” She rushed over and we pulled her out,”Cayden, can you defend us?” He nodded and slowly walked out as I started pumping Michelle’s chest,”Come on baby, come on, come on breath, don’t don’t please don’t” I pumped her chest 30 times and blew in her mouth twice,”Come on” I started tearing,”Please….please, Dylan check the medical supplies, look for adrenaline” He started digging through the cages,”Found it!” I pulled the needle out,”Come on, work” I put it in her chest and her eyes widened and she gasped for breath, I pulled her into a hug as I was crying,”Oh thank god, I thought I lost you” I kissed her on the lips and she kissed back,”Oh my god” Michelle was still in shock,”What happened?”
“The tire is blown out by Raiders, Cayden and the others are defending, can you get up?” She nodded and we got up,”Let’s go!”

Blaire POV
I helped Dylan up,”You can do this, Dylan, we can do this, alright?” He nodded as we walked out and started shooting at us, Taryn, Michelle and Cayden went behind the mailtruck,”Give it to us! YOu don’t deserve the shit you have!” There was a crash on top of the mail truck, I got up and shot the raider in the head, then next thing you know, there were walkers coming towards us down the street, out of the woods, everywhere. “Holy shit, we need to get to the group now” We ran to the group and Dylan, he groaned loud, I turned around and I pulled him up,”Come on we can do this, we can’t give up now” He grunted loudly as we got up, we started shooting at the walkers and we lost the group,”Where did they go?” We looked around and the raiders ended up shooting at the walkers then a few seconds later, they ran out of bullets,”We need to find high ground” We tried to run over to anotner house that was 4 stories like an old house, we bolted the door,”We’re trapped Blaire”
“No, no we’re no Dylan, we can’t give up now, they won’t find us, our group will before we die” My voice started to break,”Blaire, we’re finished” I gasped lightly,”No, Dylan we’re not! We can’t do this now! We did not come this far to see one of us die!” I started to cry then a bang at the door, I turned around and Dylan looked at the door,”We need to back away” He limped over with our guns, we were loaded with ammo, but we were gonna save them,”We need to seach every inch of this house to barricade the doors and windows, we went into this room that was armed with few weapons, find blinding lights, we noticed earlier that when they’re blinded by bright light, they go into panic and stay in one place, we also found silencers for our guns, I knew my bow and arrow won’t cut it, we looked at each other and he looked at his leg, he grabbed a wrap and put it on his ankle when he found it in the drawer below him,”All or nothing” We walked out and ran up the staircase because we both knew that this was gonna be non-stop, we went to the top and we went ouf to the balcony, we heard Andrea and the others’ voices,”I can hear them Dylan. Andrea! We’re over here! Pete! Gwen! We’re over here!”
“We hear you! We’re on our way!” I nodded and we looked around,”Back up is coming to the rescue” We heard noises downstairs,”Dylan?” He looked at the wall and started breaking it,”Dylan”
“It’s a dumbwaiter, it could go down to the basement and we find our way out” I sighed in relief, I guarded the door,”What are you doing Blaire?” I looked behind him,”What’s it look like Dylan? You go first, I’ll go after you bring it up”  He shook his head,”No, no you go first, I’ll go after you” I looked at the width of the dumbwaiter,”It’s big enough for both of us Dylan”
“Just go”
“Not without you Dylan, all or nothing”
“You’re my all Blaire”
“Then come with me Dylan, please” He took a deep breath,”I’d rather have you go out there knowing that you’re safe than stuck here with me, I’ll go after you, I promise you” He said as I was getting into the dumbwaiter, I started to cry,”Please no Dylan” He kissed me for a couple seconds,”I’ll be with you again, I promise” I felt a lump forming my throat as I was going down and I went down hearing noises from each level, I gasped and I finally made it into the basement. I got out quickly and rolled it back up and tugged on the rope,”Dylan hurry! There’re more on each level!” I sighed and messed my hair up, luckily the basement door was locked with a dead bolt,”Dylan!” Then I heard gunshots

Dylan POV
I looked at the dumbwaiter and heard Blaire’s voice, I pulled out my guns and flash bombs, I opened the door and they weren’t close, but I got them, I started shooting at them, bodies dropped and hearing Blaire’s voice,”You said you wanted to marry that true? I’m not a ring person, but I would wear it for you….” I started shooting and I felt a tingle when I got to the second level, I screamed in pain and started shooting

Blaire POV
I got out of the house and saw the group shooting the walkers,”Where’s Dylan?” Pete ran over to me, I took a deep breath,”He’s still in there, we need to get to him” Andrea looked at the house as she was shooting,”Dylan’s gone, he can’t take on that many walkers” Gunshots stopped from the inside of the house, I started crying and about to run over to the house, Pete grabbed me,”No, no, no he’s still in there! We need to go in there!!”
“Dylan’s gone Blaire! We need to get moving” Andrea said to me as she walked away and I started trying to get out of Pete’s grip , I got out of it and I went into the house when it was empty,”Dylan! Dylan! Where are you?” He walked out of the living room walking normal, but still limping,”Blaire”
“Oh my God! You’re a crazy son of a bitch!” I hugged him tight while tears were coming out,”I thought I lost you” I continued sobbing and he cried too,”I thought I lost you too” We walked out of the house and Andrea walked over,”Dylan? He’s still alive!” We walked over to the group,”Wow, 4 stories of walkers Dylan, good work”
“Actually it was 3 stories and they were mostly on the stairs” We put him on the bench,”Ankle still bad?”
“I found a wrap and weapons worth it for us”
“Good, we lost the damn truck anyway, we found a truck for us, we’re going out to the countryside for the time being until we come up with a plan so we don’t go in half-assed” Michelle said to us and I looked over,”Michelle, countryside? Everything we do is almost half-assed, we weren’t expecting those raiders, not everything goes according to plan Michelle, we were almost killed in there, Dylan though it’d be brilliant to kill those walkers and he went in half-assed” She put her hands up,”I know, I know, but we need to be in a place that is safe for all of us” I nodded and rubbed my head,”I know, I know too Michelle, I’ve been acting crazy, I-I-”
“I get it Blaire, you were almost killed, you almost Dylan and it’s okay, alright? I can handle it” I shook my head,”It’s not only that, I can’t describe it, it’s just not a good feeling” Gwen walked over,”Don’t tell me that stomachache is still….” I nodded,”This has been going on long enough, we need answers”
“It’s just a stomach ache Gwen, it’s okay” She shook her head,”Again, what if it’s not?” I shrugged,”I don’t know okay? Can we just focus on finding another place for us to camp at for the time being”

Andrea POV
We managed to get a truck big enough for them, this time, we’re limiting our supplies, we can’t overdo it because raiders will see it and try to go for the kill, I walked over with Pete and Miranda when we walked out with the weaponry,”We keep going, along with the truck, we go back to the mail truck and get half the stuff we need and go to the countryside, but not too far from here, shouldn’t be anyway, we’ll keep an eye on those two and the others” Miranda asked me,”What makes you think that?”
“Some of them are hiding something”

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