Chapter 9

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Three days later, Bonnie found herself wandering the (surprisingly) empty halls of the base. Raven, true to her word, had introduced Bonnie to her fellow mutants and despite an awkward start (Bonnie wasn't one to open up quickly), she felt as though she finally had a place that she fit in. Everyone had similar experiences, and Bonnies hair was no weirder than Hanks feet or Angels wings. In fact, the unusual colouring looked rather... average compared to the additional features of her fellow mutants. Over time, the small group had even come up with code names for each other.

Charles and Erik where rather quick and easy to name, Charles (being their mentor of sorts) became Professor X, and Erik was dubbed Magneto (no need to explain that one).

Raven became 'Mystique'. Sean had jokingly vocalised his disappointment that he didn't get to claim such a title, but a demonstration of Raven's camouflaging prowess soon silenced him.

As for Sean Cassidy, he became Banshee, so named for the ultrasonic screams he emits that can (literally) shatter glass (as proven when there was suddenly a lack of window in their social area).

Armando Muñoz waved off a new name as the one he'd introduced himself as - Darwin - was already a nickname and entirely appropriate. His ability to literally adapt to his surroundings in order to survive almost teased the theory of evolution with its immediacy.

Alex Summers had developed a rather.. Destructive ability. As the energy blasts he pretty much hula-hooped off himself ended up cutting into walls and splitting a bronze statue into three, the only choice was to call him Havok.

Angel Salvadore, previously a stripper in a ''gentleman's club'', simply adopted the name Tempest after demonstrating her flying skill (with delicate dragon fly wings) and acidic saliva, which melted part of the bronze statue before Havok could get to it. All agreed it fitted with her sultry looks and natural flirtations.

Hank was harder to name. He had a genius level IQ, but that wasn't particularly his mutation. Instead, it was his ape-like feet which helped him to climb and grab onto things. Alex attempted to call him 'Big-foot' in jest, but his joking backfired when Hank looked around uncomfortably and Raven came to the rescue insinuating about big feet and a certain part of the male anatomy. Alex soon shut up.

Bonnie was another tough case. Sean quickly came up with "Lady Garden", to which every female in the room turned to glare at him so fiercely they may as well have dug a grave then and there. Darwin threw out "Poison Ivy", but Raven quickly shot that down saying "Who wants to be likened to an itchy plant?".
It took much deliberation, but at the end they thought they'd got it. The perfect name for Bonnie.

And then, disaster struck.

(I know! I've been out of commission so long! I'm so sorry! But I'm ready and raring to go! If anyone has better suggestions for Bonnie's name, then feel free to drop a comment!)

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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