Chapter 5: Passé

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Pluie Mauve
Purple Rain

Chapter 5: Passé

"Caring was a thing with claws. It sank them in and didn't let go. Caring hurt more than a knife to the leg, more than a few broken ribs, more than anything that bled or broke and healed again. Caring didn't break you clean. It was a bone that didn't set, a cut that wouldn't close."

- V. E. Schwab

Lee Chaeyeon didn't need to hear an answer from Eunbi. It was apparent that she hit it right. The way that the girl tried to hide the pained expression on her face was pointless. Truth can always be seen through the eyes.

"It's rude for me to ask all of a sudden." She said in an instant, for an attempt to break the awkward atmosphere. "I believe you already know me but let me formally introduce myself. I'm Lee Chaeyeon, Sian's cousin..."

Eunbi didn't know how to respond but she just nodded as she accepted the handshake. The atmosphere was so tense and both of them were quiet until Chaeyeon finally started a conversation.

"You know... Lately, I've been dreaming about Sian. I don't know why but her memories were flashing in my mind. Maybe because of this day?"

The older girl was a bit surprised after she heard that since she has been experiencing the same thing. She smiled and stared at the speaker for a short while before finally speaking. "She has been always like that since before. A bit stubborn but she's also very clingy. Most of the times she just wanted attention..."

"That is her nature when we were kids. But Sian grew up through a life with a very strict routine. That's why that kind of Sian was something I am not used to see..." explained Chaeyeon. "You're very lucky, Eunbi..."

Eunbi was smiling as she reminisced the past. But she never noticed that tears are once again starting to well in the corner of her eyes. Chaeyeon was looking at her with so much intent and she could see that the girl still loves her cousin, even after so much time passed. They stood there for a moment, both speechless, until they noticed that raindrops have started to fall down...

There wasn't a shed anywhere and if they stayed there, they'd get soaked in the rain. Chaeyeon impulsively held Eunbi's hand and dragged her to run towards her car that she parked somewhere near. It was nearly two minutes before they've entered safely inside the vehicle. She got a tissue and immediately wiped down the drizzle which soaked her hair a bit. After that, she handed a pack of tissue to the other girl and she did the same.

"May I ask something?" Chaeyeon said which Eunbi replied to with a soft nod. "Why blue roses?"

It was a question pertaining to the basket of flowers Eunbi brought to Sian's grave. She smiled as she answered... "Sian had a small dream before. She wanted to see a real blue rose. It was then that we did a small research and tried making one since blue roses don't bloom naturally. She thought me how to do it. Up until now, I can't still remember how happy she looked after we turned a bunch of white roses to blue ones."

"Sian has been an interesting person even when we were kids. She was full of imagination and very cheerful. I always remember how much she likes to prank on my younger sister before. It was until the time she was sent to study abroad by her parents. After then, it has been years since we met again. She never had written a letter to me during that time and when I met her again, she has turned into a completely different person..." Chaeyeon paused for a bit and smiled as she saw the enthusiasm of Eunbi to hear her story. "It was her alter-ego. The prankster and crackhead Sian I used to know was replaced by a serious, diligent girl who never break rules. We never got to talk about what happened to her stay abroad. She refrains herself from small, casual talk and always spout stuff about business. I got a bit annoyed one time but you know, she always held a special place in my heart so I got used to her behaviour and act nonchalantly about it..."

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