Chapter 10 - Sebastian's Past

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"(Your Name) are you alright?" Sebastian broke the silence. "Was it that noticeable?" I thought. "Sebastian, I-I just stabbed someone. I don't know how to react." I tried to calm myself but just the thought of stabbing someone made me feel uneasy even if it was to defend myself. "(You Name), that man was going to die either way." He added. He was right. Grell was there to kill him. I left it at that. Sebastian reaches hand towards the manor door. Before he reach the door handle I spoke up. "Sebastian thank you for back there but there has been something on my mind. I want to know ... How did you know I was in danger?" He looked back at me with the same stare he'd always give me. "I didnt. The young master noticed you were gone for a long time so he wanted me to come up and check on you." Silence filled the air again. "That doesnt make sense. Ciel wouldnt think twice about me. Sebastian must be lying." I thought. "Sebastian you're lying arnt you? Ciel wouldnt think twice about me. You went and checked up on me on your own didnt you?" I asked as a smile crept onto my face. He just continued his way into the manor. "He didnt deny it." I thought. I felt happy at the thought of that. "Does he care?" I wondered. I made my way into the garden and sat down on a bench. I once again looked up at the starry sky. It was peaceful. I then remembered Sebastian gave me his coat. His coat smells nice. "Sebastian ...I dont get you." I mumbled.

Sebastian P.O.V

"Whats wrong with me? If I would have stayed here at the manor she would be dead and I wouldnt have any distractions. I must be sick. Im definitely not myself." I thought. I continued down the hallway thinking to myself. I didnt have anything to do at the moment. I suddenly stopped. I felt like someone was in my presence. "Your falling in love with her." I heard a familiar voice come from behind me. I turned around but no one was there. I was greatly confused. "Am I hearing things?" I wondered. I continued down the hallway. "Your going to start feeling again Sebastian. Your going to love her the way you loved me hundreds of years ago." I heard a whisper in my ear. I stopped and turned around quickly. "Betty ..." I mumbled. I could no longer see my surroundings. I was surrounded by darkness. It wasnt the kind of darkness im involved with. It was a dafkness ive never encountered before. It was suffocating but I still remaided emotionless. There standing in front of me was Betty Lee Wester. Her brown long hair still remained the same way I seen it years ago. Those beautiful green eyes I once saw when I was human. "Thats not possible." I approached her. "Why are you in my head?" I asked trying to breathe. It wasnt the air that was suffocating. It was this specific darkness I was in. I didnt know this darkness even existed. "Im here because I dont like the idea of you loving someone else. Besides I wouldnt be here if you weren't thinking about me. Your vulnerable So I took this oopportunity to get inside your head. When a demon starts to feel, there thoughts become vulnerable but thats only If you let your guard down. I guess you've gotten comfortable around (Your Name). Comfortable enough to let your guard down. She must remind you of me." Her response made me stiffen up. "I wasnt thinking about you. Dont be silly. That was years ago. What I felt for you years ago is no longer there. Im not feeling and (Your Name) is nothing like you. It doesnt matter anyway. Im not falling in love. You must be mistaken." I said giving her a smirk. "You weren't thinking about me? Well then that only means that your falling for this girl. Are you growing soft Sebastian? Ha, im glad I got to see you this way." She started laughing at the reaction I was giving her. "Sebastian! Sebastian! Whats wrong with you?" I heard (Your Name) calling out to me. My vision started to clear up. When I could finally see what I saw was (Your Name) sitting on the floor next to me staring at me worriedly. "(Your Name), what was I doing?" I asked. I wasnt aware of what I was doing while I was in the darkness. "I came walking upstairs heading to my room and when I entered the hallway you were sitting here on the floor staring towards the end of the hall talking to yourself. Sebastian, you need to tell me what just happened to you and dont you dare tell me it was nothing." She spoke with power in her voice. I got up off the floor and started heading to her room to tell her everything that had happened. I shut the door behind us and she leaned her back against the wall and crossed ber arms. "Sebastian what was going on with you back there?" I gave out a sigh. "Ive saw someone in my past. Betty Lee Wester. She was someone I was in love with until I became a demon. I let my guard down and then she got into my head. Shes not her self I noticed. Shes been messing with darkness that even I dont know about." She stared at me confused. "What darkness? Nevermind. Sebastian ... what was your past?" (Your Name) asked. "It was a long time ago. I invited Betty over to meet my parents one night. It was going so well. We were all having a splendid time but that was untill we started hearing banging on the door. We were all going to run out the back door but before we could it was to late. The man my mother was secretly seeing behind my father's back. I knew about it because one day she came up to me and told me. I promised not to tell my father. I knew they weren't happy together. Anyway, when he barged in he told us not to move. He looked angry. Back then it was a terrifying sight. He started to yell at my mother for abandoning him. My father watched it go down with such confusion in his eyes. He looked devastated when I figured out what was going on even though he wasnt happy with her." I stopped talking there. It was as if I didnt want to finish the story. When telling her all this it was like she was absorbing all the sadness I felt that day. "Things weren't great for my family from the start. My mother was ill and my father's boss wasnt paying him the amout he should have been paying him which means we were poor back then. My family had problems but anyway, after tons of explaining went down I finally realized that he was here to kill us. First he stabbed my mother, then my father. I knew Betty and I were going to die as well. With the last minute we had I apologized for the mess I got her in. The man jumped in to stab Betty but I ended up sheilding her giving her the chance to escape. Sadly she didnt. She ran out the back door with the man following her leaving me there to bleed to death. A minute passed by and then I heard her scream out in the distance. Then silence filled the air. The room was growing dimmer. I was going to die until a dark figure appeared before me. It was a demon. I ended up making a deal with a demon named Dustin. I wanted revenge on the man you killed the people I loved but honestly revenge is foolish. I was foolish. I got exactly that but I made one more request to Dustin before he took my soul. I requested that he'd turn me into a demon. Thats how I became who I am today." She stared down at the floor with sadness in her eyes. "Dont be upset. It doesnt matter what happened back then. It doesn't effect me in the least." She just kept her stare at the floor. "Sebastian, do you still love her?" Her question made me stiffen up a bit. "I dont love her but there is a part of me that was happy to see her." She finally looked up at me. "Sebastian, there is only one way to keep her away. You cant think about her and you need to keep your guard up at all times." She said it so softly and kind. I cant let myself feel. It would hold me back. Love is such a silly thing. I must keep myself on track. "(Your Name), there was something I wanted to do when we got back to the manor before all this happened." Her expression lightened as I changed the subject. "What?" She approached me. "You dont know how to dance so I was going to teach you." I said giving her a care free smile. "Sebastian, I said im only dressing up and attending the ball. I never said I was dancing." She protested. "What kind of lady would you be if you didnt know how to dance?" She just rolled her eyes. "I guess im not a lady then." (Your Name) said giving a smile. I then tried reverse psychology. "You're right, even if you tried to dance you would never be able to do it." I said giving a devilish smile. "Fine ill do it. Not because you were using reverse psychology but only because im bored and im not tired." With that response I led her to the ballroom.

That Was Chapter 10! Did You HHonestly Like This Chapter? I At Least Hope So (: I Worked So Hard On It. Im Pretty Happy With The Way It Turned Out. I Feel Like My Brain Just Pooped A Rainbow xD But Anyway, Ill See You Guys In The Next Chapter , "Chapter 11 - Jack"¤♥Ashco♥¤

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