Chapter 20 - Jealously?

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   I walked down the steps to see Sebastian and Ciel inviting in our so called, 'Guests'. More like suspects. I approached Jack and the lady that was with him. Of course I greeted them with a smile. That would be the polite thing to do. "I'm sorry for bringing a guest with me without letting you guys know ahead of time. This is Anna, my sister." Jack replied, noticing that Ciel and I were both a bit confused. I started to examine Anna from head to toe. "She's just as tall as me, with consuming blue eyes just like Jacks. She wore a long puffed out dress which brought out her pail skin and her long hair that came down to her chest, almost the same hair color as Jacks but her hair was a much lighter shade of brown. Her bangs covered her forehead completely, not long enough to cover her deep blue eyes but you couldn't see her forehead but besides that fact She is beautiful. She's dressed so dark but, she has such an innocent look on her face." I thought to myself. Sebastian gestured them to come in and he closed the door behind them. "Welcome Anna Dexter, I'm Ciel Phantomhive and these are the butlers of my estate, (Your Name) and Sebastian." I was a bit surprised. Ciel gestured me as a butler instead of a maiden. I couldn't help but have a faint smile appear on my face. Sebastian and I went over to the table and pulled out a chair for them to take a seat in. Jack took a seat in the one I pulled out and Anna took a seat in the one Sebastian pulled out. Sebastian went and pulled out Ciel's chair and I went over to the food cart to get Ciel's tea for him and the guests. I pored a cup for Ciel and passed a glance over to Jack and Anna. "Anna, Jack, you guys like tea right?" I asked keeping my stare directly at them, especially at Anna in particular. I somehow couldn't help myself. "Yeah, thank you." Anna spoke up. I pored them both some tea, and served them both. It was kinda awkward and silent. It's not like I could say anything. That wasn't my part in all this. We all had a part to play in this and mine was to be polite, serve them, and keep them happy. The rest is for Sebastian and Ciel. I crossed my arms and stood right behind Ciel. Without thinking about it I ended up leaning on his chair a bit. So it's my turn just to watch everything go down.   "So, your mother lived here in London before her passing. What had you guys go to Brixton?" Ciel asked. They didn't seem fazed by his question, in fact they didn't hesitate to answer. "Well, after our mother died we just didn't feel okay living in the house that she was killed in and at the time I was still working at The Den so we just decided to go live in Brixton and it's been that way for the last seven years. It was hard at first I mean, I couldn't even get myself out of bed in the morning. At the time Anna was the one who motivated me to get up each morning but a few months after her death the person who killed her was captured and executed. The killer was my own father. Pretty tragic but what's done is done and Anna and I have each other now." That is pretty tragic. I looked at Anna again and her stare was faced down. She didn't look happy. It must be hard. She looked up at me and I moved my stare away. It would be impolite of me to stare. "I see, but how could he have been captured and executed if he was found dead lying in an ally way with booze and beer cans lying around him? They just found him there. No wounds, no sign of a heart attack. Nothing, just a lifeless corps. Would you like to explain that to me?" Ciel asked having a small smirk appear on his face. I looked over at Jack and he looked unhappy as if, he didn't know what to say next.    Just as it seemed like Jack was going to reply to what he had asked I heard the sound of something hit the ground. I looked over to Anna and it appear that she had spilt her tea all over her self and dropped the cup in the process. She appeared to be shaking. "I'm so sorry. I got a little shaky when you brought up the death of our mother. I accidentally dropped the tea cup. I'm so deeply sorry." She apologized. She stood up and bowed in the direction of Ciel while doing so. When she had stood up I noticed she had poured the tea around her crouch area. I almost wanted to laugh a little bit on the inside i knew deep down that must have burned a bit. "No need to apologize. It's my fault I brought up something like that as a conversation. Sebastian, clean her up please." Ciel ordered. "Indeed my lord." He approached her with a towel. He kneeled down and started to pat down on the area she spilt tea on her self. I looked at her face and she had a small smile. It kinda made me sick. I wanted to say something but that wasn't my goal. I need to stay on task, but I couldn't handle watching Sebastian do that. Especially if she was enjoying it. My heart started to pump. It kinda hurt to watch that, but I still held my composer. "Madam, let's get you fitted into another dress." That made me a little angry to hear that. "Why, thank you Sebastian." I couldn't just watch that happen so I spoke up. "Hey Sebastian, I can get her fitted into another dress if you want me to. No need to invade a womans privacy." Sebastian had a small smile appear on his face. Was he enjoying this? "(Your Name) it's fine. I don't mind that Sebastian is helping me into another dress." I clutched my fists a bit and nodded. As i watched them walk up the steps I saw Sebastian slip his arm around her. Anna tilted her head to the side and peeked behind her and looked at me passing a smile. "What kind of game is she playing?" I wondered. I brought my stare back to Jack and he had a smile on his face as well. I was mildly confused. I kneeled down next to Ciel and whispered into his ear, "Master, would it be alright of I were to go talk with him alone? I think I'll be able to get him to spill everything if I were the one to talk to him. That was the whole point of inviting him over right?" I needed to get Jack alone. Ciel isn't the only one who wants to know why he kills. I want to know as well and I want something else that just might be able to get from him. He faced me and moved closer to my ear whispering back, "Alright, report everything that happens when you come back. That's an order (Your Name)." A smirk appeared on the both our faces when he said that. I stood up and nodded. "Yes my lord." I looked over to Jack and he was looking at me with confusion. I walked over to him and offered him my hand. "Jack, could I have a private chat with you?" I asked. He looked a bit hesitant. As if he didn't feel like he should. I then started to think of our first encounter. - Flash Back -   "Hello, my names Jack. I noticed a beautiful young lady standing over here all by her self. Who might you be?" "I-I'm (Your Name)."  "May I escort you to the dance floor?" "Oh but I don't dance." "No need to be shy (Your Name). I don't bite." - End Of Flash Back -    I looked deep into Jacks eyes. "No need to be shy Jack, I don't bite." I replied with a small smile come to my face, remembering what he had said to me in our first encounter. His joyful smile had reappeared on his face with his cheeks going a light pink. He gripped onto my gloved hand and I lead him upstairs. "I need to butter him up, then I'll ask him what I want to know, and finally after everything is said and done I'll ask him if he'll turn me ... into a demon. I no longer want to be helpless, weak, and most of all no more feelings getting in the way. Besides, everyone wants to push me into the dark. Can't fight them, so I'll join them but first, it's time to set the mood." I walked him to the room across the hall from Ciel's study. In that room there was a balcony. We stood out there, under the ocean of stars above us. "You still remember how we met." Jack said glancing at me. "Yeah, I do." He came closer to me, placing his arm around me. "It makes me happy to know that you remember." Jack whispered into my ear. I have a soft spot for Jack. It's keeping me off track. I need to focus. "Jack, there are things that have been on my mind. I've been all over the place ... thinking about you but Jack I really need to know. Why have you been killing woman in Brixton? I just need to know." It was kind of scary asking that. If anything he could just kill me for asking. "So ... you truly believe that I'm the killer." He states looking down with his smile fading away. I nodded, wondering what to expect next. "(Your Name), I'm not going to lie to you. I've been the one killing women all over Brixton." My heart sank, for some reason tears started to come up in my eyes. I could look him in the eyes, so I just stared down off the balcony. "Why?" I said with my voice going shaky. It was hard to talk. I wiped away all my tears and I stood up straight and looked him in the eyes once again. "Well, when my mother and father were still alive."

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