Chapter 26 - Figured Out

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   I went blank. "Why am I still here?" I wondered. He had a smile on his face. He knew I was confused. "I-I..." I mumbled. I looked him in the eyes, regaining myself. "Sebastian, don't look onto it. I'm only here because I'm bored. It's not like I have anything else better to do." I pushed him off me and I walked passed him. Walking as fast as I could. It was as if the rain was fighting me, trying to get me to turn back in Sebastian's direction. "I know exactly why you're still here." I heard his voice crawling back to me. I turned around, seeing what he had to say. He approached me, looking deep into my eyes. Once again putting me in a trans with his. "You're still here for the same reason you became a Phantomhive butler. Even in your darkest days you're loyal. Loyalty is everything to you. You are still here, because I'm considered your friend. As much as you like to tell yourself I mean nothing to you, you know what the truth is. No matter how stubborn you are. You still remember all those memories, the ones with you and I. Even in your darkest time I seem to cross your mind. All because you care (Your Name)." I went stiff. My heart started to race. "He, beat me at my own game. No, I won't go this way. Not without a fight." I thought. I shut my eyes, holding my hands over my ears, trying to block out what he was saying. "N-No! You're wrong." I started to take off running towards the manor that wasn't much farther.

   I made it to the front door, opening without checking if I was being loud. I shut it running up the stairs into the bathroom at the end of the hall. I looked in the mirror staring into my eyes. I took off my soaked black gloves, noticing the mark I haven't looked at on my right hand. It had this cool design to it. I took the moment to examine it. I then looked back into the mirror. I splashed warm water on my face trying to calm down. I took my jacket off, throwing it over my shoulder. Still staring into the mirror. "I'm going mad..." I spoke. My heart was racing. I started to think about everything. "Your voice, your touch, your darkness. It lurks throughs me. I can't get it out of my head. When I cried you fought me. When I fall you forced me to get back up. You get through to me. You make this dream of mine into a reality. You're always right. You know me better then anyone." I dropped to the floor and curled up with my back against the wall. I curled up the same way I was when I first arrive here. I looked at my hands and intertwined them together and closed my eyes. Remembering the same way Sebastian would intertwine his hand with mine. I moved into a different position and sat on my knees laying my hands on my lap. Still intertwined, staring at them. I saw little droplets of water on them. "I was for sure I just dried my hands..." I saw another drop of water appear on my hand and my eyes widened. "I'm crying ... Sebastian saved me." I let all the tears come out with a smile on me. I could feel all my emotions welling up in me all at once. I was happy, sad, fucking pissed. I was all of it, I was happy above all. "You saved me Sebastian." I said. I whipped away all of my tears and exited the bathroom.

   I entered my room. I sat my jacket and gloves down on the bed next to my tail coat. "Wait, I don't remember putting my tail coat in here." I mumbles. "I did milady." I turned around today Sebastian right in front of the door. My eyes lit up as soon as I saw him. "Sebastian..." I walked up to him and looked at him. "Sebastian you saved me." I said folding my arms with a smile on my face. "I had lost myself." I stepped a little closer to him. I leaned up to his face. He leaned in as well. Just as we were going to have our first kiss without any delay, without force, without hesitation. That was until I leaned out and slapped him. His shocked face made me want to laugh but I tried to stay to the point. "I told you to let me die you asshole. You fuck tard." I spoke crossing my arms. He held the bridge of his nose in annoyance. I rolled my eyes and gripped onto his tie bringing him towards me, kissing him. He cupped my cheek kissing back. It was passionate. It was perfect. I leaned away, letting go of his tie hugging him. "You know Sebastian, you have me wrapped around your finger you know that?" I whispered letting him go and taking a step back. "Sebastian, your gloves are soaking wet. Arnt you going to take them off?" I asked as I pulled his gloves off his hands and threw them on my bed with my gloves. He stepped close to me intertwining his hand with mine as he did so both of our symbols glowed. I thought it was the most cutest thing ever. "(Your Name), I'm the one wrapped around your finger." He said smiling. I couldn't have been happier in that moment.

   "Hey Sebastian, this sounds a little strange but will you sleep with me? If you're not busy." I asked letting go of his hand. A smirk came across his face. "Don't you think you're a little too young for that?" My eyes widened and I became a little flustered. "That's not what I meant." He patted me on the head and laid on the right side of the bed. He laid so awkwardly I started laughing. He laid on his back straight as a pencil. "Why are you laying down so weird?" I went to my side of the bed and got under the covers and laid on my side staring at him. He switched to his side and stared at me as well. His hair falling in his face. Quite adorable actually. "I miss being tired." I mumbled switching to my other side. My body jerked a bit when Sebastian had wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me close to him. "Why so nervous?" He whispered into my ear. "I-I'm not, it's just when I get touched so suddenly I respond to it in a bad way. I don't know how to explain it." I said giving out a sigh. "You're afraid of the touch of other people arnt you?" I didn't answer. I just stared out the window. I could sense he knew I didn't want to talk about it. He buried his face into my neck nuzzling me bit. "I love you Sebastian." Thought to myself as I shut my eyes.

My New Life (Sebastian x Reader) - (FIXING ALL SPELLING, DIALOGUE, PUNCT)Where stories live. Discover now